Friday, March 22, 2019


Do you ever take a step back and re-evaluate an other's comment? More importantly, do you re-examine comments made by elected officials and people in our nation's government? If you do, you are likely frightened after you stop laughing.

Let's examine two statements recently made by a United States Senator and a United States Cabinet Member: Senator Lindsay Graham, a long time friend of the late Senator John McCain was recently asked by a reporter his thoughts about President Trump's on-going bashing and criticism of McCain.
Graham answered, "The President's comments hurt him (Trump) more than McCain." Now, people  give that thought for a moment. That's what I thought, you understand that once a person is DEAD that person is exempt from any kind of hurt or pain. Of course, Lindsey 'Spineless' Graham casually dismisses the hurtful pain felt by John McCain's loved ones with such attacks upon their beloved, husband and father.  In the name of decency, what kind of man speaks so negatively about the dead? McCain cannot defend himself. Graham has hung around Trump so long his empathy filter is clogged.

Then we have the statement by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo who suggested, Perhaps Trump was sent by God to save the Jewish people from Iran. Oh My God! Really? Just what we need another politician speaking for God.

You know, the 'thought' has crossed this writer's mind that Trump 'could' be the Anti-Christ...ah but I  stifle the urge to make such a proclamation.

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