Friday, March 15, 2019

Words That Should Cause Great Concern

This week, President Donald Trump issued the most frightening warning towards political opponents ever uttered by an American President. His scary words suggested violence would be targeted on fellow Americans who opposed him; these are words of a 'Mad Man.' >>The most un-American and non-Christian comments from the lips of a United States' President...

Trump said, "It would be very bad, very bad  if my supporters in the military, police and motorcycle bikers were provoked into getting tough."

What kind of mind refuses to 'see' the the subtle call to arms by a would be dictator? These are crazy words. This is the kind of rhetoric tossed about in Nazi Germany, Russia, North Korea and Cuba.

Trump followed up on Friday, March 15, stating, "White Nationalism is not a rising threat." Only a bigoted damn fool believes such a comment.

Our nation is moving ever so closer to violence in our streets. When will Americans wake up? Perhaps our only concern is that the pending Civil War will not start during Super Bowl week or the new season of 'The Bachelor.'

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