Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dismantling Democray

Soon American President, Donald Trump will name his fourth National Security Advisor in less than three years. One of the previous three had to resign because he is a criminal, another quit because he could not function in Trump's administration and the third NSA left having either been fired or quitting. Currently that fella (John Bolton) and Trump are engaging in a peeing contest regarding the truth.

Just recently,  at a 'Chopper--Side Chat' Trump said there was 15-people who wanted the NSA job because "It's enjoyable working with Donald Trump because the job is easy since I (Trump) make all the decisions." Americans should not casually dismiss that latter comment. "I make all the decisions."

From my world history studies, I recall other leaders who 'made all their country's decisions:'
Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Joseph Stalin (Russia) and Kim Jong Un ( North Korea).

Say nothing, do nothing and your children and grandchildren will not have YOUR choice of apathy.
Sooner or Later

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