Here we go again; two more senseless murders and renewed, albeit brief 'gun-talk' gobbledygook!
A professional football player shoots and kills his girlfriend then commits suicide. A 45-year old man drives to a convenient store and while waiting for his girlfriend's return from the store becomes irritated by 'loud music' coming from a nearby auto occupied by four teenage boys. The older man fears threatened so he does his convenient thing; he shoots towards the vehicle killing one youngster. It is another one of those Florida 'stand-your-ground' situations, i.e., Trayvon Martin.
In the aftermath of these terrible tragedies we hear claims, counter-claims and finger-pointing accusations coming from every sociological & psychological perspective imaginable. Personally, I dismiss 90% of these poppycock comments and hang my hat on one true relationship of relative importance; too many people who should not have guns...have guns! I know, 'guns don't kill; people kill!' Bull-butter, without a bat, Babe Ruth hits zero home runs.
Ill-informed folks advocating this Second Amendment suggest that the American people and our government have 'grown comfortable' together because the citizens' have the right to bare arms, which keeps the government 'in line.' Are you crapping me? Our United States government has an Air Force, a Navy, a military armed with tanks and nuclear weapons! You NRA rednecks would lose that fight...honest you would lose! Yet THAT ability to arm a citizenry against a dictatorship government is the outdated reason that we still have the Second Amendment. Let me explain it another way: In 1617, Virginia enacted a 'law' that required all colonist to attend church and gave the militia the power to enforce the law. In time Virginians ignored that law. However, if they wake this coming sabbath morning and see military tanks on the front lawn they may wish to check the newspaper for service times!
Meanwhile, that Second Amendment allows all sorts of deranged folks to access guns. Some of our politicians go crazy over the four Americans who were recently killed by terrorists as they served our country at a foreign embassy. They just cannot stop their fist pounding blame, but not one of those hypocrites becomes the least bit discomposed over their own citizens being gunned down in American streets.
We can amend the Constitution. Remember learning in junior high school about the balance of power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government? We 'changed' (altered) that arrangement by 'limiting' the President to two-terms but allowing Congress to eat at the 'public trough' forever...that's working well!
Okay, stand easy, take a deep breath and repeat these words three times. There is big money to be made in guns and illegal drugs so America will always have guns and drug bogus concern?
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