Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's a Fella To Do?

Let me cut directly to the 'chase,' it ain't always easy being grandparents. First, my wife and I are both extreme control freaks and I especially, tend to be the endless orchestrating manipulative ass. Gee, it feels refreshingly good to express myself so straightforward with succinct honesty.

I will not indict my wife's family, but will disclose about my family, I come from a long line of folks with a built-in (DNA) desire to 'tell' others how things ought to be. Let me explain this lineage. My wife and I had a terrific relationship with our parents after we married. We sometimes sought their opinions and many times we took the advice. On those occasions that we rejected the advice, we did so quietly without any fanfare or 'public announcement.' My parents would visit our home and my father would decide the living room furniture should be rearranged and by-hell, he'd rearrange it! Once in awhile, we liked his design and we would leave as he  moved.  Most often, we put our furniture back the way it was as soon as we viewed my father's automobile tail-lights go out of sight.

My mother-in law, on the other hand, was as subtle as a punch in the nose. Example: Shortly after we married, my wife's obgyn Doctor discovered a fibroid cyst in her breast. We had taken my mother-in law to the movies the evening that my wife told her mom about the pending surgery to remove the cyst. Mother-in law, Vi said, "Well, I heyda; say (I knew immediately that she could hardly wait to SAY the next sentence and most definitely it would be brutal), "Well, I heyday say but she didn't have that cyst before she was married!" How the hell does a son-in law respond to that comment? I had several clever and funny 'come backs' flash through my brain, but I stifled them all for the good of the order!

When it comes to my children and grandchildren, I am a worrying and a praying Boompa. (Boompa would be my grandparent handle).
Sometimes my kids seek advice and I then understand that which I should worry about. Other times, I know there are some issues but I am kept in the dark; I then have no clue why I'm worrying. My wife gives her advice and paints a rosy outcome...good girl is that Nana.

What I don't 'cotton' to is my kids asking advice and then arguing with me if I give the 'wrong' advice. What's that? Hells bells, if you don't like my suggestion don't take's kinda like my father 'moving' the furniture. I must stop now. I just noticed a tailless squirrel running around in the backyard and the toy poodle, Yodie is right on his tailless ass. I don't want that pup to tangle with that damn thing!

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