Thursday, December 19, 2013

America's 'Throw-Away Kids'

My wife entered the family room yesterday and said, "That Jerry Springer Show, you are watching is a bunch of low-life garbage." I did not disagree with her but stated that I thought it was 'real-life' drama and the personalities remind me of some high school kids I taught in an alternative education program. I will not deny that much of the conversation between the Springer-participants is indeed low-brow but I maintain that most of those folks have baggage of a profound deep-seeded nature, which negatively impacts every aspect of their relationships.

I remember at the beginning of each year that I taught the alternative education classes, I would pose a simple straightforward question and ask each kid to write a one-paragraph answer. The question was: 'If you could go back (in your young life) and change just one thing what would you change?'  Let me assure you that the answers can absolutely break your heart. Samples: 'I wish my step-father had not sexually molested me.'  'I would stop my dad from beating my mother.'  'I would stop my parents from drinking.'  'I would  have told my parents about my brothers drugs before he got caught selling.' ...These are the students who come to school tardy or skip school... These are the kids who get suspended for telling the teacher to go f*#k themselves when scolded for wearing a hat inside the building, as if THAT was a high priority issue in their screwed-up life... These are the kids who never learned to read and consequently never had a chance at school success because they had so damn much crap to deal with in their young-untutored personal lives.

When these students dropped out of school and sought minimal paying jobs, they married or got pregnant and repeated some of the behavior cycle that was an early-childhood blueprint. I watch Stringer thinking that I may see one of my former students. I can guaranteed anyone that those soap-opera folks would each love to 'go back' and change something in their past.

American children will be left behind if Early childhood education is not a top priority with funding and innovative ideas. Of course, our politicians will 'talk-education' when running for office but once elected they will vote to cut school programs while raising farm subsides. It is our bullshit tradition!


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