The older I get the less I get or if you please; as I age, I don't comprehend so good. I need folks to 'splain it', as Ricky Ricardo often asked Lucy.
I notice all hospital personnel wear protective gloves while visitors touch and kiss patients. This don't jive!
I see mothers of teens (today) in Old Navy stores buying clothing that is torn and faded; the same condition of clothing my mother threw away or said would embarrass her in the hospital emergency room. Both generational mothers cannot be right!
I notice the gals working in the mall manicurist store are wearing masks but the customers are NOT. Do the anti-second-hand smoke advocates know this shits going on?
Why can lobbyist 'give' my congressmen Christmas gifts but it is against the law for me to give my mailman a Christmas gift? That's bassackwards!
Do America kids win spelling bees in foreign countries?
I have noticed that most major league baseball pitchers signing multi-million dollar contracts have approximately a 50-50 win-loss mark. The only other profession that pays a living salary for half-the-time-success is my local weatherman.
I cannot understand why parents 'helicopter-hover' over their kids until age sixteen when they buy them a car and age 18 when they let them go off with some drug rehabilitated chaperon on a 'Senior-Trip.'
Why do I pay for cable television when 35% of the programming is advertising?
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