Friday, November 3, 2017

Gotta a Plan?

Proverbs 22:6..."Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

 I have never thought myself to be an expert on religions, however I will claim observation knowledge regarding the transformation of Methodism from the late 1940's to present times. The John Wesley folks have always held more 'meetings' than a local school board, which usually consumes itself with the three B's, which are Beans (cafeteria costs) Buses (everybody's kid picked up on time) and Basketball (are we gunna have a winning team or do we need a new coach).

The Methodist Church has changed in other ways. No more Sunday evening services, no Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting and go easy on 'talking Hell Fire and Damnation' from the pulpit.' Today's sermons take on more of a 'feel good message' so as not to scare folks away...bad for business. CERTAINLY, THOSE TELEVISION EVANGELIST ARE MORE INTERESTED IN YOUR MONEY THAN YOUR SOUL. Just recently, my wife requested I hurry because she wanted to go to Walmart. I told her, "Relax,Walmart is like heaven and 24/7.

I am a grateful father and grandfather. Although none of our grown children remained in the Methodist journey, they nevertheless appear to have a game plan to meet in that 'sweet by and by.' We have two non-denominational families and one Presbyterian gang...and Peace be with you.
(Touch)Sweet By & By

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