Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sometimes You Must be Sorry

I've heard, as you have heard people say, What was he thinking? Why would she do that? We are often dumbfounded trying to understand the behavior or actions of others. There's a song with an opening line, "How many times have you heard someone say, If I had his money, I'd do things my way." We all do some things 'our way,' which can perplex others.

We should be thankful for that brain component that permits the ability to rationalize. I believe if we lacked this rationalization-argument, we'd have more people jumping off tall buildings. All folks engage in some behavior that satisfies need, greed and pleasure. Some needs are basic while some need is self-serving or can be a mixed bag and often is. I know this to be true because my personal scorecard reflects all the above. Welcome rationalization. Through the years, I have often used rationalization to defend or forgive my actions or bask in self praise. I need not jump from a tall building...I had 'good' reasons for my I rationalized.

Like much in life, more IS NOT better. Too much rationalization without regret or forgiveness is dangerous. I would thank all for their tolerance and forgiveness of my offensive behavior. If you must draw upon your ability to rationalize on my behalf to forgive...I am most appreciative.
(Touch)Say 'Sorry'

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