The very popular television comedy sitcom finds lead character, 'Sheldon,' the self-centered socially oblivious intellectual nerd often insisting that the end seat on his three-cushioned couch is 'My spot.' Well, I suppose we all have our 'spot.' That favorite easy chair or place where we best relax. As I reflect, I have always had that mental retreat spot or place, also. That place I sought for privacy, reflection and revitalization.
The first time I became aware of this need for a safe and sheltered place was during those adolescent years. Perhaps on the heels of a disagreement with a friend or some admonishment from an adult, I simply wanted to be alone; off by myself with my own thoughts and personal mental-psyche recovery. I found such a 'spot' in my grandparents backyard on an old tree stump. It was there that I would meditate and express aloud my thoughts to the old family dog named, Pal.
In my teen years, my refuge was alone in my own backyard shooting baskets and talking to myself about whatever it was occupying my mind. I was totally lost in my own time and space. As years rolled by, I found another spot and this very day it remains my refuge. In our large two-story, four bedroom home, I know a place. During those midnight hours when oft-times my mind-games
deny sleep, I retreat to my finished-basement office. There I can glance at wall photos of former teammates, former players and teams that I coached and recall special times and relationships. I can open family photo albums and count endless blessings. I might choose to open an old worn Bible once owned by my mother. There I can read His words and glance at mom's border notations. Other times, I select from a plethora of music, i.e. Jazz, Blues, Pop Hits, Classical Songs, Broadway or Show Tunes. Thousands of vinyl 45's, LP's and CD's are at my finger tips. Occasionally, Toy Poodle, Yodie follows me to 'my place' and insists on lap sitting, which permits another dimension of mental healing.
I surely hope each of you have 'that place.'
(Touch)I Know a Place
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