A few days ago, my wife said, "I read your blogs every day and I know you say you're a liberal-Democrat but do you think you just might be a socialist?" I thought, now that's a fair question. My answer to her was "Sometimes Yes and Sometimes No."
I am sure that many of my conservative friends are reading this blog and thinking, here comes some of Mel's gibber jabber double-talk. I say, if that floats your boat then throw away your ores and enjoy your ride!
"Yes" when it comes to our Nation's 'social needs,' i.e. Interstate highways, police / fire departments, public libraries, health care, subsidies for the poverty stricken, some farm subsidies, public education, etc. then you can call me a socialist. "No," I'm not a socialist aside from and beyond those social-issues; see, beyond those I am 'conservative.' If some of you blog readers think you are totally conservative, then stop using all the 'perks' provided by our 'pooled' dollars. Some are listed above in this paragraph ...you read them beginning with the highway's, etc.
Now, back to my wife's suggestion that I am a socialist. This question comes from a person who, when purchasing Christmas gifts for family members uses a calculator to make sure that exact
monies, down to the penny, is spent on each child, grandchild and great grandchild AND the gift pile for every person must be exactly the same height.
Speaking of socialist leanings. Just two days ago, Granddaughter, Amanda and her daughter, Juniper visited Nana and Boompa. Before they departed for their return trip home, Amanda pointed out to me that her Nana has 84- rabbit figurines of various sizes and shapes all over our house in denoting and decorating for Easter. True to my socialist giveaway traits and one willing to 'share' our rabbit-figurine-wealth, I offered Amanda a couple of dozen rabbits...she passed.
Now, don't go off half-cocked fretting about my wife's focus on Easter and its true meaning. She studies her Bible daily and attends two Bible Studies each week and will attend more Easter Services this week than most people...take it from her driver!
Anybody need a rabbit figurine?
Need One Another
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