Thursday, March 22, 2018

Stupid IS What Stupid DOES

Do you remember back in 2009, when then President Obama bowed to the King of Saudia Arabia? Sure you do. The right-wing nut jobs and bigots in the United States came unglued with criticism. Those haters, after all believed Obama was born in Kenya and certainly a Muslim.

Well, God bless and help those fools today. For today Putin's Russia has demonstrated that they can meddle in our Democracy via Facebook and hacking computers. Russia most recently demonstrated the ability to hack into and disrupt our nation's 'power grids.' Folks, re-read that last sentence and THINK about the potential perilous consequences. All this while Trump tweets about SNL actors.

Makes perfect sense that our President Trump would telephone Dictator Putin and "Congratulate" Putin on winning his election in Russia. A bogus-sham election. Yes, that would be the same Putin who has his Russian adversaries and opponents killed.

I suppose in Trump's defens could be that he has been pre-occupied with dismantling his ("They'll be the best and smartest.") cabinet members and White House staffers, not to forget the distraction from a porn actress, Playboy Bunny and others bringing lawsuits against him.

Trump is Vldamir Putin's 'puppet.'
Putin's Puppet

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