There's a friend of mine in Southwestern Illinois who actually believes that God chose Donald Trump to be America's President. He's not alone. Many evangelical Christians, i.e., convicted felon, Jim Bakker, regardless of the obvious fact that Trump has few Christian traits, was chosen by God. I explained to my friend that I could come closer to proving Putin not God put Donald Trump in the White House.
Another bizarre perspective advanced by 'Trumpeteers' is the claim that President Trump has been treated worse than any other USA president in history. This type of erroneous belief underscores the rampant stupidity regarding American History. I offer the following names to those believing such poppycock: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy.
Beyond goofy!
I think about a year after I was told that Santa Claus was an imaginary figure, I overheard a family friend, who was a professional wrestler explain to my parents 'how' every action in a pro wrestling match is orchestrated with a predetermined outcome before the combatants enter the ring. Regardless, millions of folks just enjoy deception even at the expense of their own victimization and it ain't just in professional wrestling arenas.
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