How does that happen? How can that happen? How does that which is true or in accordance with facts become nebulous?
There appears a profound difference between people and their viewpoints in this 21st Century America. These deepening political and social chasms are greater today than at any other time in our nation's history. There has evolved a greater need for individuals to have their attitudes underpinned and supported by even the most questionable beliefs, narratives and alternative facts rather than embracing investigative efforts with open-mindedness attempting to uncover realities and truth.
I notice two elements driving this phenomenon. First, the entrenched ethnocentric traits held by all peoples. The attitude that 'mine is the best.' The 'race' to which I belong, the religious doctrine to which I subscribe and the political persuasion I embrace are superior to others. Secondly, for my profile to be better than yours, I must from time to time point out where you go awry and where 'my' attitudes are sustained. If I cannot accomplish this with 'real facts' then I must generate alternative facts. If I cannot accomplish this with a set of beliefs held, I must search for other beliefs to protect my positions and if necessary, should civil discourse fail to advance my cause then a more intolerant aggressive engagement will be adopted.
The unfortunate and negative fall out from this phenomenon is a society of antagonism, divisions, intolerance and separation. No longer do we seek 'the truth to set us free' but instead we seek word-manipulation and lies to support our deeply ingrained and insecure attitudes! Today, one's belief is one's reality...therefore it is my 'truth.'
We need to celebrate our similarities found in the human experience. We need to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negatives...and that's the TRUTH of our brief journey if it is to be glorious.
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