Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fickle Fan or Nature of The Beast

Like many Americans, I found myself observing and processing Tiger Woods' recent Master's Golf Tournament Victory. Some sports' analyst are calling it the greatest come back in sports' history. I suppose that's a debatable matter. One thing certain, we would agree that Woods was at the top of his profession when he self-destructed due to bad choices. I find it interesting that Tiger's story points to an equally significant phenomenon regarding the public's modus operandi.

Most normal people have their 'heroes' or iconic figures. We like to be in the camp of winners, champs and the talented. We are fascinated seeing or being a part of 'King' or 'Queen' building. Some television shows allow us to journey with and even help build the champion, i.e. American Idol, etc.

Eventually, it would appear that many often tire of the one dimensional Super-hero. Suddenly, folks are excited to read or learn of the fall of the mighty. The plethora of successful super market tabloid magazine sales supports this notion.

Why? Why do so many enjoy the fall of the mighty? Is it envy and jealousy that gets the best of us? Perhaps our nature is fickleness. Just maybe we get tired of the same person being 'on top.' But then a person like Tiger, who was on the pro golf mountain-top tumbles into the deepest of valleys only to be resurrected many years and tournaments later. He climbs back to the perch and lo' and behold the massive fandom is back. Long live the Tiger! Eh? Well, at least for now.

...and then maybe I'm making something out of nothing.

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