Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Games' Funny Side

The question is asked less frequently but still the question does come up. I coached my last high school basketball game eighteen years ago and recently somebody asked, "Coach, do you miss those old coaching days?" Truth be told there are just a few things that I'll always miss. I miss practice. Practice was my classroom where I could take 12-to-15 individuals from different environments and life experiences and orchestrate a daily practice scenario, which would mold them into a selfless unit.
What a wonderful challenge and one I eagerly embraced each of my 37-seasons.

 I also missed the camaraderie. Those relationships forged with players, assistants, support personnel and yes, even officials. Oh, the stories swapped and stories made during that coaching journey. Certainly, I had to deal with and guide young athletes through difficult times when a teammate would be tragically lost or a season-ending injury changed the fortunes of a team. However, the many funny events that unfolded during my coaching journey still brings a smile and chuckle.

A few years back, I penned a book called 'Game Laughter' in which I related many humorous stories from my sport experiences as a participant, coach and spectator. It was a fun project. I can tell you that if you hang around the games you'll be entertained by a funny story. One such moment happened a few years ago at the annual Decatur boys Thanksgiving basketball tournament, which I coordinate for the School District. We were recognizing a successful Decatur Team coached by Jack Kenny. The old Coach and former players were assembling in the foyer near the gym before their introduction. Coach Kenny was meticulously calling out names of his team members and checking off those not in attendance. Standing nearby was former player, DR Roberts. DR had been a  sparsely used reserved on the team.  After several names called out and their absence verified, DR tapped his long ago mentor on the shoulder and said, "Coach, I might get into the game tonight."

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