Holy Cow! Say it ain't so! Please tell me that Beyonce' did not lip sync the National Anthem at President Obama's Inauguration. Also, please confirm and assure me that it was Obama giving the address. I cannot take much more of the GOP badmouthing my friends.
Okay, I wish to go on record NOW; Beyonce' can never be a serious candidate for baseball's hall-of-fame. At career's end she must go to purgatory with Bonds, McGuire, Sosa, Clemens and Lance Armstrong; they shall be relegated to playing "UNO" and "Where's Waldo?" throughout their respective eternities! Actually, in defense of Beyonce', she simply 'caught' that Washington D.C. influenza bug, you know the variety; causes folks in Washington D.C. to pretend to do their job!
I would contrast one line from Obama's inaugural message (his words) to the actions of some elected politicians and then ask the question, has greed and power-lusting always trumped our Declaration of Independence? Obama referenced and paraphrased the Declaration of Independence and mentioned how we must insure the 'little girl (born in obscure poverty) those guarantees.' I recently read a news article that reported some 200,000 Americans, in frustration, turned away from five to seven hours of deviously orchestrated and unnecessary line-waiting to vote in the past Presidential election. Other unethical and cunning attempts were made by some elected officials to disenfranchise voters. In Texas and Pennsylvania the Courts intervened to strike down bogus and unlawful voter ID requirements designed to reduce the voting participation numbers of a particular political persuasion. And just imagine, sports' historians claim that the 1919 Chicago White Sox baseball team was scandalous! Give me as break; America needs to wake up and see scandalous!!
I like Obama's recent approach of governing from the 'outside.' While the Congress plays those 'inside' cloak & dagger poppycock games, Obama seems poised to take every issue to the public and allow the voices of 'little' folks to shape the debate and perhaps legislate through public opinion.. Let's hope we can get Immigration Reform, voter rights secured, control of semi-automatic guns and maybe, we can even get Pete Rose into the Hall-of-Fame but don't bet on it.
On a personal note, I have observed two drastic changes in recent years: First, the once vibrant brownish freckles on my arms have been replaced by dull greying liver-spots and secondly, everybody is whispering these days; folks need to speak louder.
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