I entered Illinois State 'Normal' University in the fall of 1957; it was then considered one of the premier teacher preparation institutions in the Midwest. ISNU offered a quality liberal arts (college) education and intense teaching certification standards. Those were exciting times for the new teacher.
As with most professional certification processes, we anticipate change. It would seem obvious that 'teaching' perse' would demand constant change, if for no reason but new information forthcoming in many subjects. New information results from study findings and other research efforts. Once in awhile, our society begs for and causes change. For example, people of my generation did NOT take a driver's education course in high school. We were most generally taught to drive by a very hyperactive Uncle or an impatient parent. Today's high school kid worries more about when he can 'take' driver's education than what is needed for high school graduation. Insurance companies became part of the mix that ultimately caused the driver education curriculum development. Eventually, the teacher preparation institution, i.e., Illinois State University placed driver education teaching certification studies into its teacher preparation curriculum. Gotta have driver's ed teachers now but in time we would no longer need Home Economics teachers because American families would soon not sit down to eat a 'HOME' cooked meal. Our discombobulated families are too busy working to meet living expenses and driving those youngins to their activities; let's grab a burger, Hallelujah!
Well, hold your horses or shall I say, 'Hold your Redbird, ISU!' We are soon going to need a curriculum called, "Teacher Education & Security Personnel." And the Illinois State University Board of Governors might consider an alteration of that school's long standing motto: "Gladly would He Learn and Gladly Teach." A future read might be, "Gladly Would He Learn, Gladly Teach & Shoot Crazies Entering the Classroom." One of the solutions offered by the NRA and other nincompoop groups is to 'arm the school Marm' with a pistol so she might protect her students; kinda like they did back in to 'Old West' days before the local Sheriff took guns away from folks comin' to town eventually making towns safer. (Look it up; it's in most American history books, Texas being an exception to the rule; some Texas groups have revised both the Bible and American History books.)
I am going to excuse myself from this typing machine because I have come to a conclusion, which is 'that' place where one becomes tired of thinking! Remember that half of the people whose ideas you read about are below average!
Oh, I have a parting question. Does anyone possibly believe that if our 'Founding Fathers' were to sit down for the first time (January 16, 2013) they would likely write the same United States document, verbatim to the document written in the 1700's, known as our Constitution? I think an amended Constitution that would put the NRA and American Civil Liberties Union out of business is long past due.
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