Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Not You Parents' School

Few years ago, I attended a third-grade elementary grandparents' day. I was surprised at what I discovered. There were no individual desks but ';group-tables' for students. Some kids were  sprawled on floor mats eating 'ding-dong' lunch cakes. I did not see any evidence of Palmer Method Penmanship handwriting materials or multiplication cards and symbols. I suppose kids don't need to learn handwriting given the propensity for text messaging and the good Lord knows your iPhone with computer/calculation capacity negates the necessity of gaining any arithmetic skills.

When I went to the gymnasium to observe a physical education class, I noticed how chubby most kids were and immediately dismissed it given the fact that they have daily 'ding-dong' cake-breaks! The P.E. class held no calisthenics or running moments. I think kids don't take to sweating and given the fact that the shower area is used for janitorial materials storage, I suspect after-class showers are well into the school day's rear view mirror. During P.E. class the activity was 'kick-ball' but most children were just standing in clusters talking; I guess this is the new time for face-to-face socialization since technology essentially removes most interpersonal communications. This entire school setting 'looks' much different than the East St. Louis Woodrow Wilson Grade School, which I attended in 1950.

A recent study proclaims that this generation of youngsters is overweight, self-centered and has no idea of accountability. I recall another study way back in 1959. That study revealed that the best marriage match was the oldest children from two families getting married. The reasoning was based in the belief that older (first born) kids learn early how to help and share. Obviously, a lesser chance for marital bliss was found when the baby of two families tied the knot; but the most horrible result was found when only child married only child. Today, with the divorce rate at 60%, one can only believe that every match is a 'crapshoot' due to the mentality, "I am special," and the "Don't blame me fallout!"

My kids would be the first to tell you that their 'old man' is out-of-touch' and somewhat clueless on these parenting matters, which brings me to a personal question: How the hell did my kids become so damn smart with such a clueless father and mother?

I do know this; if I had kids in school today, I would attend a school board meeting and ask if they were doing anything to make life a tad bit uncomfortable and trying for my child since he will likely face those daily stresses. Secondly, I would want to know if he can 'make change' should he get a job at Wal Mart?

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