The late singer, Sam Cooke's song, 'A Change Gonna Come' was about the civil rights social struggle back in the early '60's. The song could be about my body; it has been changing rapidly over the past several years and the change ain't for the better.
I take less time combing hair and brushing teeth; both are departing my body. I sneeze more and sleep less. I hear just fine if one speaks to me in a volume equal to that of a rocket booster at lift off. My eye sight is fading and my back-arthritis has me doing the following ritual before driving out of my garage in the auto: Since I cannot turn around and 'see' anything while backing-up, I now walk around the car THEN get behind the driver's seat and honk the horn three long blast before backing up!
Every morning, my lower extremities painfully remind me of three previous back surgeries. A quick gander in the morning mirror before shaving causes me to think of crocodiles. As I slip on my socks, I notice that my toenails are the color of Halloween 'brown' candy corn. My toenails want to 'grow' downward, these days and that tears holes in my socks.
My memory has seen better days. Thank goodness for my grandpa E.V. Bennett's 'chime-clock.' The old antique clock chimes once on the half-hour and then it chimes the number at the top of the hour; this reminds me to put the dog outside to go potty! My wristwatch has that day/date indicator that helps me to remember what day to put the trash out for pick-up.
There is some good-news change. My family doctor told me to 'walk' 10,000 steps per day; I do half that number just going to the bathroom during the night! Of course, 'going' to the bathroom away from the house is now problematic; often I forget to zip my fly. I find folks at Hickory Point Mall looking my direction with strange glances. I have begun wearing a rubber band on each wrist. These visual aids remind me to check my zipper and wipe any possible unwanted 'boogers' from my nose.
Yes sir!! Singer, Sam Cooke was correct, a change indeed did come! My only fear now is that one day, I will forget my underpinning-staples and begin voting Republican and rooting for the "Cubs!"
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