Thursday, July 11, 2013

Connect Emission Dots

Several months ago, I caught the tail-end of a television debate amongst six brain-surgeons, regarding the correlation, if any, between cell phone use and the incident of brain tumors. I like the tail-end of a debate; usually, folks make their best case when they conclude opinions. Unfortunately, this conversation-debate had all participants using the word, 'inconclusive.' I don't like the implication of that word. Had I spent the entire hour listening to this debate, I would have been 'pissed-off;' I expect winners and losers after debates.

Here is the debate in a nutshell: 'Is cell phone usage related to a higher incident of brain tumors?' These medical, brain surgeon-experts stated that studies were 'inconclusive.' I thought the moderator did a nice job when he asked the final question, "Do you folks (doctors) use cell phones?" Answer: "Only with an ear-piece," stated each doctor. NOW, I have my conclusion and I wish for those same folks who went ballistic over second-hand cigarette smoke to begin that same passionate campaign to have the guy seated next to me at 'Hooters' to go outside to talk on his cell phone.

Actually, I would never (personally) waste an hour listening to a debate about cell phone dangers. Look, for starters, we all know that cell phones emit a radiation just as an x-ray machine. That said, every time my dentist x-rays my teeth, he and the dental technician put a lead cover over my body and then both of them run like hell to the parking-lot just before I 'hear' a CLICK!  Whoa, I do believe we have a conclusive- resolution!

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