On occasion, I turn the radio dial to hear the most current Limbaugh-Rant. Today, El Rushbo was at his best spewing disingenuous conservative logic. Okay, don't take my word, as if you would; I'll present his argument and you decide. Of course, Rush's bottom-line mission remains the bashing of Obamacare. Yesterday, Limbaugh stated that the liberals are bemoaning that medical physicians are making 'too much' money and they should not be profiting from the sick to that extent. On a personal note, I believe television weather forecasters make too much money considering their batting averages.
I suppose now you have accepted Rush's premise or rejected it. I just have one question for the Cape Crusading-Cape Girardeau, (Missouri) college drop out: Should teachers' make so little money educating the future physicians of our Nation?
I'm getting forgetful...I POSTED two blogs yesterday...did I confuse you?
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