Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Lifetime Scar

I recall my 'grade school' report card was a bi-fold, salmon colored card. The front of the card had official looking headings, which indicated the school district and various administrators.  On the back of the card there was four lines upon which a parent or guardian was required to affix a signature thus indicating they had 'read' the child's progress report for each quarter. Of course, the 'inside' two pages disclosed what it was all about; how is the kid doing in school effort and grades. On the inside right-hand side was a listing of subjects with the teacher's grade alongside. Whoa is me if you received an "F'" in a subject...THAT grade would appear in bright RED ink! You could usually tell who got one or more of those dreadful RED F's because that student quickly tucked the report card inside a book or folder. In recent years, I read where some coalition (committee) of parents, psychologists and students decided the 'red' colored 'F' was too harsh for a youngster's psyche therefore many school district across the Nation stopped giving  'colored' grades and some school districts even dropped the 'F' letter as a grade. I suppose this approach makes kids and parents feel better about underachieving.

 I don't recall ever being that upset with the grades given on the right hand side but I am still angry about one particular 'check-mark' that my teachers gave appearing (every quarter) on the left hand side. THAT check mark is still stuck in my craw. Student Does NOT use time to good advantages.  I had that 'check mark' every quarter the entire eight year journey through elementary school; does not use time to good advantage. This grading experience is likely the reason for me developing irrational conspiracies beliefs. I truly believe that all my grade school teachers got together and agreed to check 'Melvin's 'lazy-box.'

Today, I am a retired old fella and who cannot embrace these relaxing years because I suspect my neighbors are talking about me not staying busy enough. You would think in this day and age,  I could bring litigation against somebody or at the very least get on The Dr. Phil Show to share my story and perhaps have Phil foot-the-cost for rehab-therapy.

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