"S--- Happens." Look about and note that a lot of 'stuff is happening.' We have a billionaire NBA owner accused of racist comments and his league-owner-colleagues intend to force him to sell his team while the owner's estranged wife claims she intends to keep her 'part-ownership.' Then we have mental giants, i.e., LeBron James weighing-in suggesting that he has something profound to add to this obviously complicated legal issue. While this very sad scenario plays out, one can turn on Comedy Central most nights and find an African-American comedian making one racist remark after another to the laughter and applause of small minded 'black and white' folks. 'S--- Happens and S--- Cuts Both Ways.'
We note some States cannot execute death row criminals without botching the process thus causing incredible human suffering while dying. Many of the capital punishment advocates shrug their shoulders at these sick sights and continue to cry foul over any reason for a woman choosing abortion.
The legal fighting and wrangling regarding civil-rights of homosexual couples remains unresolved and the St. Louis 'Rams' of the NFL draft an openly 'gay' football player who will be cheered for doing his job on the field of play but denied aspects of equality on the 'field-of-life.'
Immigration remains unresolved as one American faction leans towards amnesty and the opposition would favor deportation. In the meantime no compromise...instead there seems to be a desire of some to revisit a new health care law or make sugar laced items unavailable in public schools as if this message will translate into American homes where youngsters will continue to chow-down.
Benghazi remains a political football and a good fundraiser platform for the GOP. Of course, the main focus of our elected officials will continue to be providing a good nest egg for themselves. There will continue to be criticism of the party-in-power and never a cooperation to compromise with the intent to improve the nest-egg for the masses.
A lot of 'stuff happens' and unfortunately much that happens divides us as a Nation.
As Ray Charles would shout, "YES INDEED!"
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