Thursday, July 3, 2014

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Many years ago, I was asked this question: 'If you could say but one sentence to children and grandchildren before you die, what would that sentence state?' I said, "Accept Christ's gift of salvation, recognize your mother as life's greatest gift and work at that which you love while serving others." That represents my philosophy in concise terms.

I have three children, fifteen grandchildren and soon a second great-grandchild.., the older off springs have heard this sermon more than once. This stated, I embrace tolerance for those of other religious faiths. I will not relinquish by beliefs regarding your mother as your greatest gift and let me say that I have noted the happiest people on earth are those doing work for which they have a passion and serving their fellow man along their journey.

This brings me to the reaction by many people when 41-year old actress, Cameron Diaz stated publicly that she has made a conscientious choice NOT to have kids. When others heard that many immediately attacked the announcement as if Diaz was some kind of sic-monster. She is being honestly forthcoming telling others how she feels about 'herself and motherhood.' It's okay not to have children as a carefully thought out decision. If this is not okay, then those who cannot conceive must be less than fulfilled; hogwash !
Perhaps Cameron Diaz decided not having children would eliminate the need to explain to her kids why she did so much nude posing.

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