Friday, July 18, 2014

Struggling for Common Sense

Most of my life, I lived from pay check-to-paycheck; I am not complaining but stating a truth. In the early 1970's, I was coaching at Edwardsville high school. One August Sunday afternoon, I was driving through Missouri returning home with my wife and our three children from a week in the Lake of the Ozark's. While driving I passed a vehicle and crossed a portion of a yellow highway line.  I was arrested for 'illegal passing.'
The fine was $80.00. Had I given the officer the $80.00 on site, I would have gotten a receipt and continued my journey. Since I only had $60.00 on my person, I was escorted to Jefferson County jail where I was booked and photographed holding a number while my young children looked on in dismay and our family dog barked at prisoners who were cursing guards delivering supper. I am not making this shit up. It happened and you should not act surprised, we are talking early 1970's and Governor Kit Bond's Missouri.

My wife had luck when a State Troopers offered to drive her to a grocery store that would cash a twenty dollar personal check giving us the necessary 'get-out-of-jail' money.

This past week, a stalker broke into the private home of actress, Sandra Bullock and was approaching her bedroom when she locked the door and called 911. The police arrived at the home and arrested a 'White 'guy who thinks he is the father of Bullock's adopted 'Black' child. This deranged 'cat' also claims that God wants he and Sandra to be together...obviously his oars don't even touch the water. Within hours, this nut job was out on bail. Bullock should consider a move to Missouri.

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