Ricky Ricardo would ask Lucy to "'splain it," when he did not understand something Lucy did. I wish someone would 'splain' the following things to me:
1. How did it happen that today, seven out of ten youth are unfit for the United States Military?
2. Is there any other profession that finds its workers collectively spend $91 Billion dollars of their own money annually to aid the company's mission? That's the case with American teachers who spend that sum on their students.
3. Why do prisoners no longer 'do hard physical work-time?' Did they not forfeit their rights when they violated others' rights?
4. Why don't we perform a vasectomy on new born male children and reverse it when the child reaches age 21, has $3 thousand saved and can recite 12 nursery rhymes? Think about the notion before dismissing it as crazy !
5. Why doesn't my family doctor insist that I have my teeth cleaned 'twice' a year when it reduces heart attacks by 24%?
6. F#*k it ! Don't freak out...it is proven that pain is reduced when stumping a toe or hitting your thumb with a hammer if you curse. You do not have to 'slain THAT to me because every time Dick Cheney appears on television I call him a f#*king phony and I feel better.
7. Another thing you NEED NOT 'Splain ...it is a proven fact that suicide rates among white people is higher in areas where country music is the most popular; I understand !!
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