My wife's computer got 'hacked' yesterday. It could've been worse, she might have been locked in Kohl's all night...we'd have so much damn 'play money,' I'd need to place some of that 'dough' in my Last Will & Testament. I'm sure it's just a matter of time and my computer will be compromised because like a good but foolish husband, I accepted my wife's bogus friendship request right after her hacking, knowing that she was 'already' a friend. Hey, I can't help myself. It's like when we are using the auto GPS for directions, if there is a disagreement between that GPS-automated lady's voice and my wife's suggestion, I follow my wife's direction-instructions. My dad gave his three sons the full-proof blueprint for harmony.
Anyway, within two-hours of the 'hack-job,' I heard from every FB friend and most relatives on both sides of our family, even one relative that I thought passed away several years ago. They were all telling me that my wife's FB had been hacked. This now means there is a 'Good Gerry Roustio' and a 'Bad Gerry Roustio' out in the Internet-land...and I'm not going to touch that line with a ten foot pole.
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