Come on now, we truly and honestly did not expect an intellectual and high moral-ground debate from these two Presidential candidates...did we? Never mind that... One-in-four American children will go to bed hungry after tonight's debate....OR that our middle-class families continue to be short changed in an economic culture that sends their employment opportunities abroad...ignore the fact that Americans are randomly murdered as they shop in city malls...and while the unimaginable continues to plague our law enforcement officers' abilities to protect and serve, we have Black citizens asking questions about why some Blacks dying at the hands of police... Pay no mind to North Korea as they race towards nuclear weapons and continue to be blase' about Russia's hacking-havoc.
Certainly, an imbecile can observe these erosion's of our beloved American way of life as the nation prepares to watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump debate tonight. It is reported that over 100 million television viewers will tune in.
Ah, but the day and hours before this much anticipated verbal square off, the pundits have more important 'chewy' salacious garbage to report. It's a poker game. Hillary bet one Mark Cuban (ring side seat) and Trump bet a Gennifer Flowers (up front in your face location) and raised her one deleted email. Hillary bets a third wife love affair and raises the Trumpster two bankruptcies and one Trump University unemployed student. Trump raises one Bengahzi mourning mom and Hillary calls bet with a 'Gold Star' family. Tell you what, if the debates conflict with the 'Big Bang Theory' re-runs...'BET' me missing the debates.
The American public is so gullible and stupid they are embarrassing.
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