Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Pains of Old Age

One of my middle school grandchildren is doing a school paper and is asking grandparents a question: "What are the biggest changes you've witnessed in your lifetime?" I am supposed to think about this overnight and call the grandkid with my answer this morning. I figure a safe response and the one I'll give is the 'impact of technology.' I'll go with that answer but it IS NOT the answer I believe to truly be my biggest 'lifetime change,' No Sir!

Check it out...

In those 'good old days,' I stayed up at night watching The Tonight Show, I went to bed around midnight, slept the night through, awakened at 6AM and did that work thing from 7:30AM until 6:30PM and I really looked forward to a daily 5- mile run. Those were the days when I was celebrating birthdays in the 40's age range. These days at 78, I'm in bed well before 10:00PM. I get my 5-mile road-workout during the night going from the bedroom-to-the-bathroom. I awaken at 5:30AM excited about the prospects of yet another day. However, these days I am totally aware of every joint in my body because they those joints are painfully-stiff. Funny thing how body-stiffness relocates over-the -years. I post my blog and read two newspapers. Before making breakfast for my wife and I, I take a 30-minute walk. A few years ago, I could not wait to walk. Today, I cannot wait to finish the walk.

For the life of me, I can't remember which grandkid called me with this question...and dadgumit that's another thing that's changed in my lifetime...my memory!

Aging Journey

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