Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bring Some; Leave Some

I've seen recent media reports stating that vinyl is in vinyl records. Actually, vinyl never left this house.  Why I've collected vinyl records since my teen years. Come to think, I've collected more vinyl records the past three decades. Strange however, I don't often play vinyl records but instead I make ('burn') composite CD's from my vinyl collections. I say collections (plural) because I'm talking LP vinyl and 45 vinyls. Matter-of-fact, I still have several old gramophone or if you please, phonograph records. I read once that those old records could last for centuries. Actually, they broke too easily. Regardless, I'm happy to learn that vinyls are 'coming back.'

Thinking about things that are 'gone,' I find myself wishing some would 'come back' while other things stay gone. Examples: I wish fender-skirts, whitewalls and mud-flaps would come back but not running boards. I'd like the return of drugstore soda fountains and Poodle Skirts but not 'duck tails.' Bring back white buck shoes and Billy Eckstine shirt collars but not the those pegged-pants. Bring back penny-candy, Double Cola and wooden baseball bats but forget those wool uniforms. Let's have a return of Palmer Method cursive writing to our schools but not 'ink wells.'

Finally, let's bring back neighbors visiting and true caring like you those dear hearts and gentle people who lived in your hometown.
Dear Hearts

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