Our Illinois State lawmakers tend to be a phony desigenuous collection of people. If you follow the 'cola wars.' You will note that cola giants Pepsi & Coke are required to bid for rights to place products in State facilities. Of course there is always some questions around the process and it's fairness. One lawmaker stated that it is the lawmakers responsibility to get the best financial 'deal' for its citizens. Now there is some gobbledygook crap!
These same lawmakers require public (middle schools/high schools) to unplug their vending machines in the name of healthy choices. Understand that the public schools, as the state facilities and universities benefit from the soft drink companies as they donated scoreboards and other athletic perks; a great financial bump for local school districts. Therefore, while our State fails to meet its constitutional financial contribution to local public schools they dismiss the 'Goose & Gander Story.'
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