My wife walked into the family room and noted the televised college football ball I was watching. One of the teams was Florida State. She commented about the Indian 'logo' helmet worn by the Florida State Seminoles and asked, "Why do they get to use an 'Indian' for a mascot and Illinois cannot use Chief Illiniwek?" She likely wished she had not asked because I went on one of my lengthy rants about the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
In descending rank, I deplore the following organizations: Ku Klux Klan, Black Panthers and the NCAA. The first two are intolerant 'hate-groups' and the latter is a pompous, pretentious, greedy group.
I explained to my wife the old saying, 'Money talks; bullshit walks!' Whereas there is no existing Illini Tribe to throw money at to appease and thus use the name 'Chief Illiniwek mascot,' Florida State pays-off the Seminole folks. Of course the pompous NCAA ignores the money game and puts aside their holy war against its college members using degrading mascots and mascot names, which may offend ethnic groups.
My complete 'rant' on the NCAA is 573 pages long; I shall stop here.
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