Monday, November 10, 2014

What Really Matters?

Bruce Rauner was NOT my choice but he is MY Govenor and I will pray for his leadership to be characterized by wise counsel and insightful decisions. I grow weary of inconsequential nitpicking by both political sides. Example: Some of my Democrat contemporaries attempt to make something of Rauner's post election comment that he telephoned Democratic leaders Madigan and Cullerton to express his desire to 'work together.' It seems Rauner did not actually speak to the gents but left voice messages. Oh, my goodness, 'he did not lie;' my fellow Democrats need to accept an ass-whupping and move along.

I am not hung up on the trival. I am more interested in what voters expressed as desires and how leaders respond. Fifty- one percent of Illinois voters said they wanted Rauner as their Govenor. Sixty-two percent of Illinois voters said they want the minimum wage to increase to $10.00 per hour. The people have spoken and I expect my Govenor-elect to embrace both of the peoples' wishes. Let's watch for that!

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