Thursday, April 14, 2016

Be Smart

Several weeks ago, I noticed that one television channel had one Murder Mystery episode after another about murder by poisoning. One lady wanted to start a new life and instead of catching the first bus out of town, she decided she'd put strychnine in his cereal to collect insurance and buy some new clothes. That 'love story-gone-badly was followed by concoction tales of strychnine, arsenic and such. Now those are some sick-creepy minds doing that crap. The next day while out shopping, I stopped at a local florist and bought a bouquet of flowers for my wife and wrote on the card: 'Thanks for all those little things you do...keeping a wonderful home, cleaning our clothes and providing such great meals.' Love you...just trying to keep on the good side of the chief cook.

Let me state upfront that I get it about constitutional rights. If the law requires me to have a marriage liscense or a driver's liscense, then the government official hired in a position to execute that service must comply regardless of my race, religion, sexual orientation or if I'm wearing that horrible University of Tennessee 'burnt-orange' color. If I don't get my dues them I'm raising hell.

When it comes to the issues of insisting that the cake baker and photographer (both of whom oppose my life-style), I'm not going the distance against these bigots' resistance. Here's my logic: Whereas the liscense needs are simple 'contract-qualifying ' forms; the photographer and cake baker presents a whole different circumstance.  I will not debate the constitution on these.

Anger the photographer and every photo proof is going to find someone's eyes closed. And when it comes to ANY food (cake or otherwise) I never wish to be a war with the cook. Use some common sense here.

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