Thursday, June 30, 2016

Aging and New Friends

Today is the last day of June 2016, a month of tremendous social engagement for yours truly. I visited with my urologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologists, podiatrist, dentist, audiologist, general surgeon (gall bladder) and two lab technicians.

 If that's not enough medical-health dances, my wife and I met with other lay-people and medical personnel serving on a Springfield Clinic patients' advisory board. This old  'kisser' of mine pops up so often at that Clinic the folks from nurses, receptionists to valet parking personnel greet me on a first name basis.

Yesterday, I met with yet a new medical facilitator. 'Jill' is my new wellness-coordinator. I perceive Jill as my medical-records-confidant who gives me a 'hoorah' or wags her finger telling this old fart that I should see-Doctor So & So. Jill is my medical-DNA traffic cop. She joins eight (8) others on my medical team dance card. If I didn't have these medical appointments, my social outings would be reduced to granddaughters' dance recitals, hospital visitations with friends or funerals of used-to-be-friends.

Listen, I'm not complaining. These aforementioned medical folks are God sends. We live in the best of times regarding health care attention. I thank God every night for doctors and medical folks and pray HIS blessings upon them. That said, I'm still practical. I do 99% the grocery shopping for my wife and I. A few years ago, I stopped buying in bulk. You see, I wish for things to come out even, like bread & gravy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stranger in The Moment

When you are only 'slightly' above average intelligence you obviously tend to learn at a slower pace. Yes, I would be a member of that group...a slow learner. I'm okay with it...eventually, I do learn.
An example of this would be realizing my parenting concepts are outdated.

Recently, I was speaking with one of my adult children about a grandchild entering the freshmen college year. My grandson college student to be has secured housing a little distance from the main campus.  Nevertheless, the dorm location is very desirable. Anyway, my daughter was explaining that her son did not wish to have any 8:00AM classes scheduled. My first thought was: When the hell did a freshman get a say in college class scheduling? Like an eager fool rushing to seize a parenting point, I said, "This is a wonderful opportunity to explain to my grandson the realities of the real life we don't always have things our way." I was about to continue my lecturing with more 1950's logic when I noticed the extremely puzzling look on my daughter's face.
Suddenly, I realized that the very same cautionary notations that I had shared with her 32 years ago were now a foreign language. I stopped my babbling and she spoke. "He probably should not have an
8 o'clock class because it's kinda far to walk to class on cold winter mornings and he'd be tempted to cut those 8 o'clocks. She continued, "I did insist that he take more than 12 hours a semester." Now, please understand, this is the same daughter that graduated from her college in 3 1/2 years. Fair to say her learning curve has diminished over time.

This daughter adored my father...her Papaw. This was the guy that told his son (who had an athletic scholarship) to "Have a job in four years" when that son started his freshmen year. My last two semesters, I carried 18 hours to meet that edict.

Later, I mentioned to my wife that I get frustrated because I feel I don't make any sense with my children anymore. She said, "I hate to bust your bubble but your logic has not made sense to a lot of people for some time now."

That evening, I thought I'd go to the nearby shopping mall and forget my frustrations. I was browsing the Von Maur's men's department and noticed some colorful T-shirts. I picked one up and read the material make up. I like those 50/50 blends. Then I noticed the price tag...When the hell did T-shirt prices go to $28.95.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Family Love...Spiritually Anchored

It was sad, even borderline depressing. I'm talking about the 67th Annual Roustio Family Reunion. Don't digest that comment incorrectly. I enjoyed visiting with all my kin folks and love ones present but the reality was...not many were present. Once upon a time, I remember upwards of a hundred-fifty-folks sharing a day that began at 10AM and ended around six or seven early evening.
I recall many reunions filled with loud laughter, competitive games, anxious bingo calls, white elephant auctions and endless eats. This past Sunday, I deliberately did not head count for fear the number was short of fifty folks.

In attempts to come to grips with my despondency, I meandered outside the gathering hall as family inside began filling plates. I wandered about the outdoor pavilion where children once assembled to play toss games with eggs and water-filled balloons and stumbled around in three-legged-sack races. I found myself walking the vacant baseball field where as a young boy, I relished the family softball competition against fathers and uncles. I could envision faces running about and cat-calls only family could utter. Many of those voices are silenced as year's claim the numbers.

I gathered myself and surpressed my feelings as I considered that much of my emotion was simply driven by the thoughts of an aging man who tussles with the longing for yesteryear while yet blessed with his realities in today.

The sixty-seventh Roustio Family Reunion was tucked away and the Shiloh, Illinois Klucker Hall left clean and empty before the four o'clock hour. As I walked to the parking lot side by side with my brother, Tom, four years my junior, I thought of his toughness. He recently celebrated a one year anniversary with an artificial heart pump implant. Fourteen pounds of batteries worn in a fishing-type jacket facilitate his every breath. We paused for a couple of photos taken by family and then we embraced...we embraced for several moments. We whispered some private thoughts as I felt some trembling of our bodies.

I know only this...God willing there are two fellas committed to the 68th Roustio Family Reunion.
Why? Our Dad expects us to be's a 'Family thing,' a respect thing and that's THAT!

Monday, June 27, 2016

There but by the grace of God...

I have watched television coverage of the West Virginia floods and I am shocked to see and imagine the devastation those folks are facing. The loss of lives and overwhelming property damage is heartbreaking.

Every time our countrymen face these disasters, I have this urge to seek out one of those pompous asses who are often times preaching the evils of 'big government' and how it has ruined American lives and ask them what role our government has in the moment. It's the same old same old...when your street has potholes you want government to fix the problem, however fixing the other guys' potholes creates too much government and remember what Ronnie Reagan said, "Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." The man was a 'B' actor and 'B' President.

Matter of fact...we are ALL Democrats when WE NEED the handout.
If you have trouble spelling disingenuous then insert the word 'phoney.'

Sunday, June 26, 2016

"...or get off the pot."

Holy crap, I cannot believe all the theoretical gibberish-jabber being bantered about on the heels of Great Britain's vote to 'leave' the European Union. Every news network parades a bevy of so-called experts who offer every imaginable fallout scenario from global financial collapse to the start of the rapture. The reference to the second coming of Christ was advanced by the genuine screw ball, Pastor John Hagee.

The Brits are now circulating a 'do-over' petition. They already have three million signatures pleading to have a second referendum. Don't you just 'feel' for them? It's like purchasing that expensive piece of clothing only to discover it doesn't fit. You plan to exchange the item but you can't find the receipt.

My wife is even upset over all these uncertainties in the United Kingdom. I had to assure her that our American television networks will continue to cover the Royal Family thus enabling fantasy-thirsting colony folks to follow the fairytale life of William, Kate, little George, 'Chuckie' and momma Lizzie.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Educate Yourself, Please!

It is interesting to note that the Nation, which snickers at us for miss use of the English language appears to be just as ignorant as we. That's right, I'm talkin 'bout Great Britian and the good old U. S. of A. Why do I speak such mean spirited words? Let me explain. Yesterday, the Brits voted to leave the European Union. On the heels of this decision the American stock markets witnessed the Dow Jones closing down some 600 points while the British 'pound' was at its lowest in thirty-one years.

Pay attention now to this: Today in Great Britian, Google searches exploded asking the question...'What is the Europe Union? This undeniably suggest that Brit voters got all ginned up to vote for leaving the European Union and today, as those voters began to see crap hitting the fan, they are 'googling' the very thing they voted against to find out what the hell it's all about. Sounds American to me! Something else is very American in this vote...scare tactics were used to gin up the voter against the EU and promises that were advertised to motivate voters to vote to 'leave.' Those promises have already seen advocates back pedaling, i.e. Money going to health care by leaving the EU.

Obviously, people around the world are frustrated with market globalization and likely with good reason. However, be careful what you wish for and 'vote' for.  Great Britian voted to leave the European Union for financial independence and control of immigration, however the Brits must now deal with the reality that 'sharing' of terrorist information has 'the baby thrown out with the bath water.' They will no longer have that protection afforded through the European Union.

Final notation: Grandpa E. E. Bennett was a carpenter by trade. He told me many times..."Measure twice and cut once." I would suggest something similar to the American voters before this November... 'Google first, vote second.'

Friday, June 24, 2016


I read in yesterday's newspaper that the Illinois High School Association, which governs Illinois high school sports has developed a rather complex formula to determine when the weather conditions are 'too hot/ humid' to continue a sport competition. Obviously this would only be a concern in the late spring or early fall when temperature can be rather uncomfortable. I would not debate the wisdom of this administrative decision. Certainly. I would line up with those who are concerned with the health and safety of athletic participants.

I would wonder, however about the life-style changes that may have impacted our abilities to withstand these oppressive heat related conditions. Hear me out. My generation of youth participants rarely had air conditioned homes. I recall mom making sleeping pallets near the screen door on those hot East St. Louis nights. Of course, we seldom locked our doors in 1951. I also remember one of our rooms had a window fan. Back in the day most neighbor's sat outside during summer months in order to catch a cool late night breeze before retiring. The neighborhood kids played street games on hot summer nights until we heard the 9:00 PM whistle, which was our cue to get our tails home.

Actually, Kids from that era played outside all day and sweating seemed to be a physiological mechanism to combat heat. From 1950 until 1953, I recall that my youth little league baseball uniforms were wool...that's correct...WOOL. Wow, that wool really caused itching on those parched summer fields' of dreams with an unrelenting burning sun and 90+ temperatures. One thing that helped combat the wool uniforms was a t-shirt and cotton light weight pajama bottoms worn under the baseball suit.

Do you think there was a possibility that the living conditions in those years produced better heat-resistant-bodies than we find with youngsters today?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

'More' is Often a Bad Idea

A few weeks ago, I was headed to a luncheon meeting when the traffic in front of me came to an abrupt halt on Route 51 near the Forsyth Hickory Point Mall entrance. Soon I noticed two groups of obviously very angry people emerge from autos and begin fighting. I was witnessing full blown 'road rage.' Immediately, I had two thoughts: (1) I'm going to be late for my meeting and (2) Donald Trump is correct, this issue would be resolved quickly if someone had a gun.

You readers do recall Trump's comment on the heels of the tragic Gay night club shooting in Orlando, Florida that left 50 people dead. Trump said if someone in the club had a gun and 'shot that son-of-a-bitch, it would have saved lives.' Now, let's not hang Trump out there alone to absorb that stupid philosophy. The NRA membership has been pumping that notion for several years. The mentality seems to be, the more guns the better...arm yourself therefore you can kill evil people before they do great harm.

Of course, the message is absolutely insane. We are wanting our citizens to carry firearms with them while hanging out in bars drinking there's a nifty idea. Where art thou Wyatt Erp? We want our citizens to have a pistol in the auto but restrain from killing somebody who cuts them off in traffic and wishes to fist-fight in the street. We want the disgruntled fellow worker next to us to be carrying a gun. We want our child in a school classroom where the teacher has a gun in her desk. We want everyone at the sporting venue to be carrying guns but not shoot the referee or the fan who is being critical of your child. Of course, if parents had guns at youth sports, we would not have those lengthy brawls. As the Trumpster suggests, "Shoot the son-of-a-bitch."

Some may think that everyone carrying a gun is the solution for public gun violence...count me out of that group. The entire concept holds more 'downside' than 'upside' possibilities. We need to re-visit well-documented stories from the 'Old West' for some countrymen with a middle-school mentality.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

We All Need to Listen to What is Being Said

Lo' and behold, the evangelicals held a meeting yesterday with Republucan Presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Now before I continue, I will acknowledge that Matthew 7: 1-2 tells me: "Judge not that ye be judged, For with that judgment ye shall be judged..."

After the meeting, the evangelicals' spokesperson  released a prepared statement, which simply said, "Donald Trump is listening..." I can only feel good about that because I have had very negative thoughts about Mr. Trump during this election season. I don't care for the fence building concept between Mexico and the United States, which Trump insists on building. I don't like Mr. Trump painting groups of people with one broad brush-stroke when he calls Hispanics names and promotes banning Muslims from our country. I was truly upset when Mr. Trump called a woman a "pig," made fun of another woman's facial looks and made a off-colored reference about yet another woman's menstrual cycle. Mr. Trump disgusted me when he mimicked a physically disabled news reporter. When Mr. Trump calls people names like "lyin Ted," "Crooked Hillary" "Little Marco," it makes me cringe. All these aforementioned things are certainly Un-Christian and I would think disliliked by born again evangelicals.

Therefore, the news that Donald Trump is "listening" to Christian leaders is hopeful news. I am going to embrace 1 Timothy 2:1..."pray for all people." Yes, indeed, I am praying that Donald Trump discards his racists notions and embrace Chirst's final commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you."

I do have a question for my evangelical friends: How can you have a lengthy meeting with a Presidential candidate and not mention the name, 'Jesus?'

I will also pray for evangelicals.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Eventually, The Clock Turns Red

I began playing organized basketball when I was eleven years old. The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) had a Saturday morning league in East St. Louis back in 1950. Each of the several city parishes participated. Although I was not Catholic, the league rules permitted each parish to have two 'outsiders' (non-Catholics) on its team. Perhaps this was a religious recruitment ploy or then it may have simply been about winning youth basketball games. All I know is that this old Methodist guy is forever indebted to my East St. Louis Catholic friends and St. Martin de Porres of Washington Park.

Interesting to note how the 'face' of basketball changed over my years. Of course, the peach basket had long been discarded in place of the rim and net but some things were much different. The '3-second lane' was 6' wide but because of dominating post players like George Mikan it would soon be widened to 12 feet. The orange ball was introduced in the 1950's and of course kids were no longer using the 'underhand' free throw shooting style but using a one-hand push shot, which was kin to the revolutionized one-handed jump shot. We negotiated the game in four 8- minute quarters and in the last minute of each quarter the sweep-hand style scoreboard clock's face would turn RED.

The rules permitted a coach to elect to shoot free throws or 'take the ball out of bounds.' Note: I worked hard at free throws and mastered the shot. I'll be damn if any coach would embarrass me by opting ball over me shooting and scoring two more points. Back in those days if at the end of regulation produced a tied score then teams would play a three minute overtime period. If the game was still tied after the overtime period then a 'sudden death' period was played. The first team to score two points in that 'sudden death' frame was declared winner. Naturally, there was a great advantage for teams with a very tall or excellent jumping center who could control a sudden death jump ball.

I believe it is safe to say that most rules changes in all sports are intended to produce more scoring, which is desired by the less intellectual fan. One example was the shot clock. This rule took patience and game smartness out of equalizing talent difference between two college basketball teams. In any event, it is widely stated that our sports emulate 'life.' That said, we should still have the clock, which turns 'RED' near the end, which reminds us life's longing for itself is the ultimate winner.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Now & Then

This family journey is a two-part / heart felt experience: the family in the moment and the family of our past. For my wife and I this month of June laces together the passage from one place to another as we embrace family relationships.

Last weekend some forty family members of my wife's side gathered at our youngest daughter and son in-law's home in Jacksonville to embrace and refresh our ties. In another week, we will gather in the metro-east area for the 67th Annual Roustio Reunion where we anticipate a number near 70 to reunite.

 My observations on these family reunions are expected. Over time fewer people attend these gatherings due to the mobility factor and event conflicts. I can recall in simpler times, those family reunions were significant calendar dates equal to July 4th and other traditional celebrations. Once upon a time that Roustio Reunion numbered nearly 200 attendees. I believe most family reunions are beginning to look like Sunday morning worship know, an older dwindling crowd.

Sandwiched between these two family-coming-together-occasions, we called upon a more spiritual family love when last week we drove to the metro-east (home) area and joined with my brother, Tom and wife Vicky to make visits to family internment sites. Their eleven year old grandson, Austin accompanied us much to his chagrin. My wife and I have always felt a profound need to visit the final resting places of the family loved ones who touched and molded our lives as we shared intermingled parts of the journey. As I stood before my parents crypt, The awareness of others nearby faded as my private recollections and thoughts literally flew across the many years. My head became a swirling whirlpool of sacred memories. Visions of faces and sounds of laughter became surreal.

I find that living a healthy and glorious 'now' is greatly connected to a loving nurturing yesterday. I have been richly blessed.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

To All You Dads

I don't do coffee groups. I tried once to meet each morning with some fellas to drink coffee and kibitz but before long the attempt went kaput. It simply doesn't float my boat. That said, I occasionally have morning coffee at a nearby watering hole but all by myself. I enjoy quiet sipping and turning newspaper pages.

I few weeks ago, a group of gents slipped into the booth next to mine and suddenly I realized there was hearing issues because the speech exchange was loud. Seems as these three fellas were crying in their 'senior Java' over children who don't telephone, visit infrequently or only contact them in need. Of course, I thought immediately how fortunate my wife and I are since our children make many attempts to engage their parents. I can't recall talking at length with strangers about my kids or grandkids...what's the point. Those people don't know my family and they really are not that interested in my family.

I had a somewhat simple father's philosophy. I don't take credit for any of my children or grandchildren's successes and I share no blame when they mess up. I did my best to prepare, nurture and caution those love ones. I will always remain their advocate and willing to offer advice for what value it may have in consideration.

I try to be cautious regarding that trap where parents are 'invited' into a conversation and then suddenly the parent is not understanding or judgmental. Too often I get caught in that web and when that happens I am angry with myself. Love can compromise common sense.

Happy Father's Day to all who did their very best in the second toughest role I can imagine.

Friday, June 17, 2016

True Love Requires Action

There is much simpleton thinking about us. I know this because I peruse the Facebook internet postings. On any given day I notice many serious issues are reduced to rather mundane reasoning and conclusions. I also note that my 'own' value and thinking can be summarized in responses to directives such as: typing 'Amen' if I love Christ, forwarding a message if I have a terrific son or hit 'like' if I don't like The Black Lives Matter movement or if I support military vets over Bruce Jenner's right to wear a dress.

Then there is the occasional internet post reminding readers: 'America-Love It or Leave It.' This philosophy negates any person's passion to call out people and issues, which tarnishes our (my) Country. The thinking suggests what might be a current parenting problem...'my kid is just fine the way he is,' when, in fact, the child has extensive behavior issues.  If a parent truly 'loves' the child the parent becomes proactive to change or modify the unacceptable behavior. If one loves ones country one should seek ways to improve circumstances within that country.

I'm sorry but...our MLB home run king (Bonds) used performance enhancing drugs as did Lance Armstrong. Bernie Madoff was a Ponzi scam artist. Pharmaceutical CEO, Martin Shkreli increased a cancer drug from $13.50-to-$750.00 per pill. Street thugs are attacking our law enforcement people while some police are profiling and ruthlessly killing minorities. Crazies, who were once locked up in institutions, are free on streets finding easily accessible guns and killing school children. Don't tell me to 'Love America or Leave It,' you should be crying for Americans to come to their Country's aid by addressing these unacceptable conditions. Until this happens, please don't ask me to 'click' like on mindless junk.

Before I spent nearly forty years in professional education, I spent twenty years digesting my own education. When I heard the political empty-stupid slogan, "No Child Left Behind," I knew very well that was bogus gobbledygook. I anticipated the 'dumping' on public school teachers by politicians wishing to explain away failures of parenting and therefore suck-up to voters. Donald Trump saying, "Make America Great Again, is nothing more than a 'political sound-bite.'

PS...You do not have to 'like' and you will not have thirty days of bad luck if you don't forward.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Transfer the Expectations

Acknowledging all the issues and matters that we Americans disagree on (and we surely disagree on many) there is one thing Americans seemingly embrace collectively with respect, support and admiration, it is our military. That said, only an idiot would not agree that the military service- organization is the most demanding, selfless, imposed sacrificing group of people who have totally relinquished personal rights for the good of the order. God only knows the extent to which we private citizens refuse to sacrifice or give up anything for the good of the order. Let some other suckers give up their rights or privileges but not me buddy!

If this military (profile) behavior is so terrific and unquestionably desirable then why don't Americans promote and emulate those characteristics and disciplines in all other aspects of life? It would seem a natural starting point would be parenting. Instead, we have become an enabling parenting society demanding very little discipline from our children and consequently we have more narcissistic entitled young people. Funny thing but the military demands the little things believing it will develop a person all can 'count' on. The hair is cut the clothing neat and the work duty is demanding. Teens today often dress as rebellious bums and seldom lift a finger to assist parents who are busy busting their butts to 'give their kids a better life than theirs.' Too frequently the life given is not better just softer.

Our public schools seek mediocrity in an effort to coddle a child's psychic instead of challenging and pushing for excellence. Whereas the military is all about physical conditioning and preparedness, our society fails to financially support schools, which results in requiring program cuts. Historically, we see cuts and limits on physical education classes. This mentality flies in the face of well documented findings that our youth face unprecedented obesity and childhood diabetes. Go square that! Perhaps our homage for the military increases proportionately to our own decreasing lack of sacrifice and accountability because THAT desciplined (military) behavior is more foreign each passing generation.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

All By Myself

In times of uncertainty and fear, we notice all kinds of 'conspiracy theories' advanced to explain reasons why. Several psychological studies have concluded that when folks feel they lack control over circumstances they have a heightened need to connect some dots. The conspiracy theories, which are advanced permit dot-connecting even though the 'theory' may be far from the reality.

Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump has turned this 'conspiracy theory' dot connecting messaging into an art form. You recall Trump's 'mission from hell' birther conspiracy regarding Obama's Presidency. As a candidate, Trump has manipulated susceptible minds to blame Hispanics and Mexico for the illegal immigration problems along the American/Mexican border. His 'theory' that Mexico is sending just bad people completely ignores the fact that Democrats have not rushed to enact immigration reform for fear of alienating Hispanic voters while Republicans hold back on reform because cheap labor aids their voting base.

Trump now suggests that all terror attacks are owned by Muslims. Therefore, people simplify the dot connecting by using Muslims as scapegoats. Trump also suggests that President Obama is complicit regarding these terror attacks. Understand that Trump is therefore advancing the conspiracy theory that our President is involved with these terrorist attacks. This is perhaps one of the most bizarre and harmful conspiracy theories ever uttered. A Presidential candidate has accused the sitting President of treason.

Keep in mind that Trump has demonstrated he will say anything to get elected. His hedge is simple. He believes there are enough angry minds and simple minds needing the dots connected.

Thanks but no thanks, I'll connect the dots myself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Stop the Hate Talk

So very predictable! A mass shooting tragedy happens and the talking heads of the conservative folks, Donald Trump and the liberal leaners, Hillary Clinton gibber-jabber away. As expected, Clinton wishes to speak to the plethora of assault guns available and Trump wishes to double-down on his Muslim hate rhetoric.

I would suggest listening to two 'other' voices weighing-in on this terrible tragedy; the shooters ex-wife stated that Omar Mateen was a loose cannon who abused her emotionally and physically. She went on to describe him as mentally sick with hatered. The shooter's father profiled his son as being filled with hate for gays, Hispanics and Muslims.

Go figure how this mad man could be on the FBI 'terrorist watch list' and pass a gun purchase background check. It makes absolutely zero common sense. Of course, don't forget our federal government agency had its computers hacked by the Chinese while our own FBI is wasting resources chasing Hillary Clinton's private server emails.

I am old enough to remember when elected politicians both Democrats and Republicans cooperated chasing and solving real issues, which benefited the American people.

We should admonish those who continue to speak ill of gays-lesbians and minorities. Just maybe if there was less hate-filled language bantered about, we might have fewer mentally-ill people ginned up to act out these horrible killings.

The FBI has described the Orlando attacker as being 'self-radicalized.' Now, immediately people assume that means a radical Muslim. Stop and re-consider that 'radicalized' means one has been caused to adopt a certain political or social issue position. However, this particular mass killer adopted radical negative social attitudes about gays and also a supportive attitude towards ISIS on his own; he did this radical transformation 'alone' him 'self.' Not my words but the FBI's words. Therefore we can conclude that most individuals who kill are 'self' radicals.

The unanswered question in the Orlando mass shooting remains: Did this killer kill for ISIS or because he hated gays? Americans are so lucky...they can embrace the answers offered by either Hillary or Donald...And nothing changes.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Really Important Times

The 'theme' I keep hearing from Republican leaders, i.e., Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is (I paraphrase): 'Yes, Donald Trump's remarks about a Indiana born judge with Mexican heritage is textbook racism but he ((Trump) is still better than Hillary Clinton as a Presidential choice.' Really?  REALLY?

This great nation, The United States of America has fought back against a history of bigotry and racism against American-Indians, Haitians, Chinese, Jews, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Southeast-Asians, Koreans, Hispanics, East-Europeans (Slavic), Southern-Europeans (Italians/Greeks) and Irish. Really!!! Read your history books. And today in this 2016 American Presidential election we have people who will vote for a man who has demonstrated without question that he is a school yard bully racist. Add to that mind boggling sickness those who would vote for a hate-racist pitifully defend their position saying, "Trump is better than Hillary Clinton." REALLY? Hillary Clinton's 'sins' are so great that, we Americans prefer to elect a President who is a bigot...a racist? May God forgive us from such ugliness towards our brothers and sisters.

For whom shall I vote? This may, indeed, be a defining question for the next generation. I just hope my voting-age grandchildren, when asked by their children years from now, "Which side of history were you on back in the year 2016," they have the caring, loving and Christ-like answer.

Making America Great Again is NOT taking our attitudes and thinking back fifty years but ensuring that bigotry and discrimination is pushed further back in our history...Really.

Just a few days ago, two university studies were released confirming that Donald Trump's Presidential Candidacy is driven by 'racial anxieties.' Surprise Surprise!

If you're one of those 'bottom-line' thinkers then think of this: A racist should always be unfit to hold any elected office in the United States. REALLY.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Don't Buy It

I'm a little concerned with a message coming out of a recent survey of American youth regarding the perception of hard work or luck leading to success. The survey picked the minds of 18-to-25 year olds. It appears that the once believed perception that hard work is the key to 'success,' (whatever success may be) is a myth amongst this younger need 'luck' to succeed they claim.

Let me say that I understand luck sometimes happens.  However, I have witnessed too many self-made successful people because of hard work ethic and not dependent upon luck. I also get it when we factor in 'blessings,' such as good health, etc. That said and acknowledged, I still preach to younger folks that 'you' are only in control of your application-effort, commitment and dedication. Only a fool sits around waiting for good fortune.

This survey-message seems to fit the 'entitlement' mentality, which has seemingly robbed us of our imagination, passion and connection with accountability. Unfortunately, I can readily understand that in a society where instant gratification is desired and expected, we would rather believe we can wait for luck to smile upon us rather than us getting after it and 'making it happen.'

Call me old fashion but I still believe that 'the harder one works the luckier one gets.'

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Be Gracious, Will You?

These subliminal tongue-in-cheek racial-baiting comments 'cuts' both ways. Whereas I am ready to point out such comments from the lips of white people, let me call out hip-hop icon, Snoop Dogg. I caught the tale end of a recent Jimmy Kimmel NBA promotional television clip showing excerpts of the 1954 NBA Title game between Syracuse and Minneapolis. Of course, all players in 1954 were white players. At the conclusion of the TV clip, Snoop Dogg appears and begs the question, 'One might ask who won...then Snoop Dogg with smug indignation says, "Who cares?"

Snoop Dogg is no better than the white smart-mouth who would suggest, 'Who cares who won Miss Black America?"

The people 'in-the-moment' care and we should celebrate their achievements and appreciate their joy.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Changing Times

A few days ago, I accompanied my wife to the local Dollar Tree Store. The establishment advertises that 'Everything is a Dollar.' Unlike the restaraunt business where the ownership has two money making options; increase price or decrease portions, the Dollar Tree folks must control portion amounts. Some stuff figures to be a good buy while some things ain't so hot a deal.

As we stood in the checkout lane, I glanced at the items nearby and was somewhat surprised to note one particular item...a 'Drug Test Kit.' I suppose the teenager who gets the call to stop by Burger King for a interview can swing by Dollar Tree for a pee pee stick to determine if he's good to go.

I could not help but think just how 'product-pitching and displaying has changed drastically through the years. I recall my first teaching/coaching position in the very small, engaging community of Assumption, Illinois. As a newly married couple, we practiced simple birth control methods. We gave attention to my wife's cycle and during those fertile days we used condoms. OMG, I just realized many of my grandchildren read this blog and they are now, at this moment, attempting to come to grips with Nana and Boompa 'he'in-&-she'in.'

One summer day 1962, I walked into Assimption's only drug store to purchase condoms. I expected the transaction to be the same in that community of 1,300 as it was in the 85,000 city dwelling East St. Louis. It would go something like this: the customer whispers his verbal purchase request and the clerk discreetly reaches beneath the counter and places the condoms in a bag. Well, surprise, surprise. Unknown to me, druggist, Mr. Haffner was a devout Catholic and began lecturing me about using any birth control method. I'm sure I stood there a bit red faced. I can only imagine today, Mr. Hafner having a stroke knowing that most smaller Catholic families today have obviously adopted the contraceptive mentality.

I think of Mr. Hafner every time I enter a drug store and walk by the open view colorful condom display. I wonder... Can male enhancement pill displays be far behind? A thought just ocurred to me. Had I stayed more than two years in Assumption, Illinois, we'd might be a much larger family.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Moment is Filled with Riches

The months of April through October usually find me in the backyard. There the quiet serenity allows for relaxing reflections as I gaze about the plethora of colorful flower beds planted and maintained by my wife. The sunlight flickers through the three large Ash trees, which umbrella high above providing  shade during those dog days of summer time heat and humidity. Hummingbirds suspended midair drink from various concoctions as Finches, Robbins and Cardinals dart about the feeders.

Our backyard is adjacent to a Catholic elementary school's playground. During the spring and fall months, the playground finds first through eighth graders engaging the various games and playground apparatus. The different youthful chatter-expressions suggest the various grade level of social maturity and interests. Occasionally, younger children will approach my backyard fence to engage a moment of petting Toy Poodle, Yodie. Whereas the children don't know my name, many seem to know the puppy's name as they call him near.

With no houses at the back of our property, we often enjoy a gentle breeze moving across the yard. This day, I sit on the swing and listen to the children's voices as they call out a friend's name or proclaim some rules infraction of their competitive game. I close my eyes for a moment and the voices seem to sound familiar...voices from my past and suddenly,  my thoughts begin to dull all other senses as a myriad of recollections take me back across the many years.

Soon, I hear the voices fading as the children leave the play area to return to other demands. I pause in thought and whisper a prayer. I ask God to bless each child as they continue their journey I hope and pray for a fulfillment, a life lived gloriously in love and service. It is only natural that I would want for them that which was mine.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I Get a Kick Out of You

I read where the 'World's Shin Kicking Championship' was recently held in England. This is a contest where two adult men grab one another by the shoulders and circle-dance about attempting to kick their opponent hard enough in the Shin to knock him down or cause painful submission. I would suspect beer and ice packs to be popular items at the event.

The Shin kicking championship reminded me of a family game reported by my father, which was popular with the Washington Park-East St. Louis Roustio-clan back in the 1930's. Since most of the French-descendant-Roustio's lived on 56th street, they frequently gathered in neighborhood activities. My dad said that the Roustio family often played a game called 'Shinney-on-your-Own-Side.' The equipment and rules were simple...their passion drove the spirited competition.

Here's the deal: Any number on a team. Each participant held a broom handle stick. A tin can was placed in the middle of the street. The objective was each side would strike the can with sticks attempting to advance the can past a designated goal line. The 'thrill' in the activity apparently came from the fact that should the tin can passby an opponent that opponent could be whacked in the shins with the broom stick. I asked my father if the wives got upset with that kind of game...he said, "No, the wives were also playing."

Dad said older family members who could not play enjoyed sitting on the sidelines 'making book' on how long the game would last before a physical altercation broke out. Like most families of that day...they may get into it with each other but 'woe be tide' the outsider to mess with kin folks.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Don't Crap Me

Several months ago, I wrote a blog, which pointed out some racial-strife concerns. I often do this because I feel strongly about this ugly American social cancer. A blog reader responded asking "Why do you (Mel) always make things out to be racial problems?"

Shall we all pull our heads out from our derrière, step back, take a deep breath and simply acknowledge a current reality. Donald Trump has amassed enough votes from Americans to become the Republican presumptive Presidential nominee. Trump has made numerous derogatory comments about minorities. Stop. If you are going to deny this then stick your head back up your derrière and have a nice life.

Just recently, Trump has doubled-down on racist statements as he suggests a sitting judge on Trump's 'university case' is 'Mexican.' The sitting judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana...he is an American. Trump says the 'Mexican' judge is making unfair rulings in this case because Trump plans to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Sadly, we watch GOP leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell attempt to justify a continued support of Trump finding themselves in the middle of the roadway likely to become political roadkill.

Trump continues to appeal to the lesser spirit...his comments continue to be accommodated by pathetic leaders of the Republican Party. I know racism when I hear it and I will call it out!!

Finally, let me be clear: I do NOT believe that everybody voting for Trump is a bigot or racist. However, Trump's statements about Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims are ignorant and racist. Therefore, make no mistake...a vote for this man supports this man's attitudes and beliefs.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Can We Imagine Down the Road?

I'm not sure it's good or bad, I'm simply acknowledging the fact that family-life (dynamics) has drastically changed over the years. Perhaps it's just life's pendulum making adjustments for man's choices.

Many from my parents' generation quit school after the eighth or ninth grade to enter the work force and give financial help to the larger family or at least remove themself from the parent's money burdens. Of course, today's tech savvy demands requires more extensive education and consequently leaves a greater financial burden with young college grads. This financial burden is relieved by some young adults choosing to 'live' at their parents home for a time period to gain economic stability and personal traction. Perhaps this shakes out good; it reduces the long-standing mothers' moan, "You never call or stop by to visit."

I also recall vivid observations of the '40's and  '50's when many households embraced aging parents taking care of the 'old folks' until death. Today the nursing home is not the only choice for families dealing with aging parents fighting senior maladies and issues. Our society's landscape is dotted with independent living homes and assisted living homes along with the more demanding memory / Alzheimer's homes.

I have noticed another attitude change and again, no judgment intended. As a young married couple, my wife and I followed the trend of our peers gladly accepting used furniture and housewares from parents and other family members as we tried to get started in life. I watched my wife hold on to many such items that I wanted to toss. She would say, "When the kids get married they may want that." Didn't happen...the kids bought new stuff. Then she said, "We can save those items and perhaps the grandkids will want them when setting up housekeeping. Didn't happen...the grandkids don't want our stuff. It's NOT the kids fault. On their journey towards adulthood, many parents said, "We want our kids to have a better life than did we." I'm not sure those kids have a better life but they Do buy nicer things. Okay, now that the hand-me-down furniture issue is a thing of the past, I need to begin concentrating on this matter of looking for that 'senior citizens' final residence stop. BELIEVE me, my wife and I come with a warning: "Two Old Pain-in-The-Ass Farts!"

Sunday, June 5, 2016

He Could be Quiet

News of Muhammad Ali's death caused me to recall a story that Jacksonville native boxing champ, Ken Norton shared with me many years ago. I was coaching at Jacksonville high school and Norton was in town visiting his parents, John and Ruth.

Norton telephoned my home one day and asked if I would meet him at the JHS Bowl (gym facility) where the Crimsons' Hall of Fame room is housed. Ken wished to see how his Boxing Championship Belt was displayed. Of course, I was happy to accommodate Norton's request. While waiting for Ken to arrive, I could not help but wonder how he would look since his near fatal auto accident in LA. When Norton stepped from his auto I could hardly believe my eyes. He was physically 'cut' like a man 15 years his junior. He obviously continued to 'workout.'

As Ken walked towards me, I noticed his gate was uneven and when he spoke, there was a need to pause and measurement in his speech. The accident had left some telltale signs. After surveying the Hall of Fame room to his delight, Norton sat for a visit. We talked about a number of things regarding his JHS days and then the topic turned to Ali.  Norton began to tell of his long hospital recovery from his accident. He spoke of the struggle to gain clarity coming out of his coma. Ken paused and tears filled his eyes when he shared the following: "Mel, he said, one evening early morning, I noticed a figure in my hospital room chair. I knew it wasn't my wife but I couldn't make out who it was. I'm sure I drifted in and out of sleep but when there was more light in the room I saw Ali sitting in that chair. I later found out from some nurses that Ali came up the service elevator to sit in my room a couple of nights. But he told the hospital staff he did not want the press ever to know he was the there."

What a story! What a special bond between two champs...two warriors.

Friday, June 3, 2016

And SOME Worry About Muslims

I am a Christian. That means I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to earth with God's message of salvation. Ultimately, the sacrifice of Christ crucified on a cross takes the sins of the world and the 'message' IS: Confess your sins, ask Christ's forgiveness and you will have eternal life. This is the basic fundamental anchor of must acknowledge Christ as the Son of God, ask forgiveness of your sins before you can have life eternal. The aforementioned is embraced by folks who call themselves evangelicals.

Before Christ left earth he gave His final command: "Love one another as I have loved you. Therefore love one another."

A large percent of evangelicals support the Republican presumptive Presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Trump on the other hand states that he does not need forgiveness from Christ for any of his transgressions. He says all Bible verses are his favorite and when pushed to name one verse Trump said "It's personal." Trump refers to 'First Corinthians' as "ONE Corinthians."

A quick check of Donald Trumps "loving others:" Makes fun of Carly Forina's face. Makes fun of a physically disabled reporter. Makes vulgar remarks about a female reporters "bleeding from wherever." Demeans Hispanics. Suggests banning people of the Muslim Faith from entrance to America. Suggest that any military personnel captured in war is "not a hero because they were captured." Calls a reporter a "sleaze." I am blown away that people who would claim to be followers of Jesus Christ (evangelicals) would embrace such a mean spirited, vulgar talking and Un-Christ like figure for the Presidency of America.

In the near future, the evangelicals support of Trump appears to be a greater threat to America than  the Muslim Faith.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Acts of a Commissioned Love

I have a 26-year old granddaughter who teaches fourth grade, attends night school seeking her Master's Degree and is planning for her September wedding day. Most folks would think that this young girl has much on her plate. Well, add another commitment. A few years ago, she took the time and made the effort to have her Shih Tzu/Bichon pup, Baylee trained as a Therapy Dog. I guess in the girl's 'free time' she takes Baylee to visit the hospitals and nursing homes.

Granddaughter, Lindsay telephoned yesterday (she calls her grandparents at least four times a week) to share a recent hospital visit with Therapy pup, Baylee. Lindsay approached the hospital room of an elderly lady and spoke as she stood near the door. "Excuse me, can my puppy and I come in to visit?" The senior lady answered, "I don't understand what you're saying." The patient's  tone sent a signal to Lindsay that the senior woman was likely not interested but still Lindsay edged forward leading with the puppy as she placed the pup on the woman's bed. The old woman's feeble-shaking crooked fingers began stroking the dog's luscious coat. The woman's wrinkled faced cracked a warm smile and she spoke only these words, "I can now leave this world."

It is said that the old and sick much like the poor are always nearby giving unlimited opportunities to those who claim to be Christian.

You should understand that each day I give thanks to God for His wonderful blessings upon our 15 grandkids and two great grandchildren. As I close that prayer each day, I always ask Christ to lead those children to serve others in His name. Excuse while I kneel to give thanks for answered prayer.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Fun Morning Bedroom Game

Yesterday, I was sitting on the backyard swing with a cup of coffee and remembered a few years ago, my wife and I stopped playing what had been a favorite morning bedroom game. We simply quit doing it without any discussion. As I pondered the reason for our losing interest in this activity, I realized it was our advancing age, which had compromised our abilities to perform. Let's be honest. We are blessed to have these senior years together but the fact remains that some things couples once enjoyed doing together becomes problematic with the passage of time. Stay with me and I'll explain.

Early in our retirement years, I would bring a breakfast to our upstairs bedroom each morning. (That continues this day.)  Soon, my wife and I began the daily game. She would be on one side of the bed and I'd be seated in a chair on the opposite side. My wife would have one section of the newspaper and begin. She would read the celebrity birthdays. As she went through the names, I'd guess the ages. The next morning we would trade positions. If you guessed the celebrity's age within 3 years you were a winner. We kept a weekly score. We're both competitive.

How's that?  You want to know what our aging has to do with the discontinuation of our morning-bedroom-game?  Well, more and more of the celebrity birthday personalities were becoming 'strangers' to a couple who once embraced celebrities such as: Elizabeth Taylor, Burt Lancaster,  Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Doris Day, Bob Pettit, Stan Musial, Johnny Unitas, Bob Hayes, Dave Galloway and 'Buffalo' Bob Smith.

It appears celebrity-hood is much like glory...fleeting. And so are the games people play. The only thing, which transcends the years is 'dirty minds'...agreed?