Lo' and behold, the evangelicals held a meeting yesterday with Republucan Presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Now before I continue, I will acknowledge that Matthew 7: 1-2 tells me: "Judge not that ye be judged, For with that judgment ye shall be judged..."
After the meeting, the evangelicals' spokesperson released a prepared statement, which simply said, "Donald Trump is listening..." I can only feel good about that because I have had very negative thoughts about Mr. Trump during this election season. I don't care for the fence building concept between Mexico and the United States, which Trump insists on building. I don't like Mr. Trump painting groups of people with one broad brush-stroke when he calls Hispanics names and promotes banning Muslims from our country. I was truly upset when Mr. Trump called a woman a "pig," made fun of another woman's facial looks and made a off-colored reference about yet another woman's menstrual cycle. Mr. Trump disgusted me when he mimicked a physically disabled news reporter. When Mr. Trump calls people names like "lyin Ted," "Crooked Hillary" "Little Marco," it makes me cringe. All these aforementioned things are certainly Un-Christian and I would think disliliked by born again evangelicals.
Therefore, the news that Donald Trump is "listening" to Christian leaders is hopeful news. I am going to embrace 1 Timothy 2:1..."pray for all people." Yes, indeed, I am praying that Donald Trump discards his racists notions and embrace Chirst's final commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you."
I do have a question for my evangelical friends: How can you have a lengthy meeting with a Presidential candidate and not mention the name, 'Jesus?'
I will also pray for evangelicals.
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