Friday, June 3, 2016

And SOME Worry About Muslims

I am a Christian. That means I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to earth with God's message of salvation. Ultimately, the sacrifice of Christ crucified on a cross takes the sins of the world and the 'message' IS: Confess your sins, ask Christ's forgiveness and you will have eternal life. This is the basic fundamental anchor of must acknowledge Christ as the Son of God, ask forgiveness of your sins before you can have life eternal. The aforementioned is embraced by folks who call themselves evangelicals.

Before Christ left earth he gave His final command: "Love one another as I have loved you. Therefore love one another."

A large percent of evangelicals support the Republican presumptive Presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Trump on the other hand states that he does not need forgiveness from Christ for any of his transgressions. He says all Bible verses are his favorite and when pushed to name one verse Trump said "It's personal." Trump refers to 'First Corinthians' as "ONE Corinthians."

A quick check of Donald Trumps "loving others:" Makes fun of Carly Forina's face. Makes fun of a physically disabled reporter. Makes vulgar remarks about a female reporters "bleeding from wherever." Demeans Hispanics. Suggests banning people of the Muslim Faith from entrance to America. Suggest that any military personnel captured in war is "not a hero because they were captured." Calls a reporter a "sleaze." I am blown away that people who would claim to be followers of Jesus Christ (evangelicals) would embrace such a mean spirited, vulgar talking and Un-Christ like figure for the Presidency of America.

In the near future, the evangelicals support of Trump appears to be a greater threat to America than  the Muslim Faith.

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