So very predictable! A mass shooting tragedy happens and the talking heads of the conservative folks, Donald Trump and the liberal leaners, Hillary Clinton gibber-jabber away. As expected, Clinton wishes to speak to the plethora of assault guns available and Trump wishes to double-down on his Muslim hate rhetoric.
I would suggest listening to two 'other' voices weighing-in on this terrible tragedy; the shooters ex-wife stated that Omar Mateen was a loose cannon who abused her emotionally and physically. She went on to describe him as mentally sick with hatered. The shooter's father profiled his son as being filled with hate for gays, Hispanics and Muslims.
Go figure how this mad man could be on the FBI 'terrorist watch list' and pass a gun purchase background check. It makes absolutely zero common sense. Of course, don't forget our federal government agency had its computers hacked by the Chinese while our own FBI is wasting resources chasing Hillary Clinton's private server emails.
I am old enough to remember when elected politicians both Democrats and Republicans cooperated chasing and solving real issues, which benefited the American people.
We should admonish those who continue to speak ill of gays-lesbians and minorities. Just maybe if there was less hate-filled language bantered about, we might have fewer mentally-ill people ginned up to act out these horrible killings.
The FBI has described the Orlando attacker as being 'self-radicalized.' Now, immediately people assume that means a radical Muslim. Stop and re-consider that 'radicalized' means one has been caused to adopt a certain political or social issue position. However, this particular mass killer adopted radical negative social attitudes about gays and also a supportive attitude towards ISIS on his own; he did this radical transformation 'alone' him 'self.' Not my words but the FBI's words. Therefore we can conclude that most individuals who kill are 'self' radicals.
The unanswered question in the Orlando mass shooting remains: Did this killer kill for ISIS or because he hated gays? Americans are so lucky...they can embrace the answers offered by either Hillary or Donald...And nothing changes.
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