I could site a number of my Facebook friends who support President Trump regardless of anything showing Trump in a negative light. These friends will post a photo of a bloodied soldier in uniform alongside an NFL player kneeling during the National Anthem with a caption asking who is the true patriot. A couple of days later that same Facebook friend will show a photo of Trump with a caption, 'A President Who wishes to secure our borders.' Next to Trump will be a photo of Robert Mueller with a caption: "Two years wasting millions of tax dollars probing nothing."
Listen up friends: Anytime Trump's photo appears in a post with a photo of Robert Mueller, the caption should read: "One of these fellas is a decorated War Hero with a Bronze Star for valor and a Purple Heart, the other guy could not serve in that Vietnam War due to heel bone spurs, which never appears to bother this overweight fella on the golf course."
He Got Spurs
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