Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It's A Beautiful Morning

Interesting how sleeping habits change in a lifetime. As an infant, I'm sure I slept like puppy; deeply and peacefully. During my teen years, I embraced life into the later hours and then hoped to sleep into the mid morning if allowed. Those bread-winning years seem to dictate a more regimented schedule. I went to bed after the ten o'clock news then up-and-go at the the alarm clock warning.

 Finally, came retirement years. I hear stories of folks enjoying afternoon naps, which either are unappealing or unnecessary for me personally. These days, I hit the pillow before the 10PM depressing news. I'd like to say that I sleep like a baby but I don't. Look, I'm seventy-nine. Whereas back in the day, I could palm a basketball, I'm certain today, I could not palm my prostate gland. Usually, it's about 4:30 AM the last time I walk Mr. Winky to the latrine. Frequently, I return to the sack only to begin fighting for elusive shut-eye. Perhaps around 5 or 5:30 AM, those mind games begin. Sleep busters for sure! One frequent thought is loss. Loss of love ones or dear friends. I recall laughter amongst family members or bantering between good buddies all of whom have departed this life. Suddenly, my  reminiscing reminds me that familiar faces are disappearing. My stories are finding road closures.

I refuse to lay there in that bed and allow melancholy-depression to fester. I get up and look for ways to embrace the challenges of a new day; a day with brand new possibilities. It could be a writing day, perhaps music recording for friends. Some church work thoughts or developing programs for the  annual basketball tournament I coordinate. Good weather finds me outdoors with walking exercise and yard work. Gotta keep on keepin' on. Like Morrie said, "When you're in bed, you're dead."
 Mitch Albom, 'Tuesday's With 'Morrie.'

And what a blessing to have family that keeps calling and making plans. Like the shoe slogan suggests: "Just Do It!"
Its A Beautiful Morning

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