Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Good luck with that thinking, Billy.

I just saw a snippet of Bill O'Reilly's podcast where he told an interviewer, "I'm mad at God." Perhaps you wonder why a staunch right-wing nut job, i.e., O'Reilly, the evangelicals' wonder boy is angry with his Creator? Well, Bill thinks that God let him down by allowing evil-mean people to fabricate allegations of him being some kind of a sexual predator. Never mind that O'Reilly has paid out millions of settlement dollars to make his alledge transgressions disappear! Some how some way O'Reilly is faultless but God is not...and therefore Bill is pissed.

Stop and sit down before you continue reading. Bill also told the interviewer, "If I die tomorrow and meet God, I'm going to ask Him why He let this happen to me and my children. I'm mad at God." Wow! I was taught that my God is loving and forgiving as demonstrated in His gift of His Son's death on the cross for our sins. It was also instilled in me to be reverent toward God i.e., God fearing.

I will give O'Reilly one thing...he is the most arrogant and egotistical ass I've ever known. Just consider two things: (1) He's obviously convinced he's going to heaven and (2) he has the audacity to believe when he arrives at those pearly gates, he's the one asking the questions.
Good Luck, Bill

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