Friday, December 15, 2017

Counting My Blessings

Since I can remember, I have counted blessings and thanked God. My maternal grandmother (Mammy Bennett) was always talkin' Jesus and living exemplifying Jesus' teachings her entire life. If you spent much time in her presence as I did, you too would be tuned to God's blessings and goodness.

At the Holiday Seasons, I find unending family blessings. Let me explain: My father expected his three sons, spouses and grandkids to be at his home Christmas Eve and buddy boy we all made it come hell, high water, blizzards or anything else! I also like seeing the family gang at those times but my wife and I have never, I repeat NEVER put our kids on a guilt trip to be home. If they say otherwise they lack perceptive powers and insight. If you can make it great, if not fine. That said, I'm hearing that 26 out of a possible 27, will be at our home Christmas...I feel blessed. But listen up...

 We (family) are now entering that era when our adult children must begin positioning to assume their own base where their adult kids (and significant others) accommodate their immediate families at the Holidays. That means, we oldsters will have one of two choices. Consider getting our butts into auto and go to one of the kid's homes for Holidays or stay on the couch and hope for a drive-by visit. This scenario is part of life's longing for itself...I get it. Oh, and just as I did not second-guess their choice, I shall expect them to extend me the same...'whatever floats your boat' choice.

Let me share some numbers: My wife and I count 27 family members. Lo' and behold,  17 people showed Thanksgiving plus one engaged-intended and one guest, which equaled 19. The Christmas gathering number I hear floating is that six dogs. That's  a full house. Now the best news about his whole picture is this: Whereas our children and their spouses love and respect the old folks, there's another equally significant reason for the gathering. That motivation comes from the obvious...and that is our adult children, grandkids and great grandkids truly enjoy and love each    other. It is incredibly amazing to watch their interactions...can't wait.

Folks...I cannot make a better case for underscoring my endless blessings.
Counting My Blessings

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