It's that time! End of the year time. We are reminded of the year past as newspapers, magazines and television reports give us images in photo and stories of what transpired the last year. That has us reflecting on the year we are leaving while anticipating life in a coming New Year. Naturally, many people feel compelled to 'make resolutions' for this New calendar beginning. I always make resolutions for a new year and I break each one. That said, you may ask, 'If you intend to break every new year's resolution then why make them?' Answer: I love to make lists.
My 2018 New Year's Resolutions, which I will break:
1. Stop watching 'fake news' on CNN and begin watching 'Fair & Balanced' news on Fox News.
2. Stop yelling and cussing St. Louis Cardinals' manager, Mike Matheny during Cardinals'
televised games.
3. Stop yelling and cussing St. Louis Cardinals broadcasters during Cardinals televised games.
4. Start watching Hallmark Movie Channel when I find myself yelling and cussing at St. Louis
Cardinals' manager and broadcasters.
5. When watching pro basketball pretend there are no rules and when watching high school
basketball pretend the officials watch too much televised pro basketball.
6. I plan to find a group of retired men and have coffee with them every morning.
7. Fight urges to get another puppy.
8. Stop paying $270.00 per year for special lawn care applications.
9. Stop taking breakfast to my wife in bed each morning.
10. Place this 2018 New Year's Resolution list on my refrigerator door and reference each morning.
(Touch)In The New Year I Am Resolved
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