Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Glimmer of Hope for Bi-Partisanship

The light may be faint and flickering but the candle remains lit. I'm speaking of the hope for future bi-partisanship in our two-party political system of governing. We recently witnessed strong Presidential leadership from Donald Trump when he charged a bi-partisan committee lead by Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham (SC) and Democrat Senator Dick Durbin (IL) to bring a immigration bill to him (Trump) and, "I'll sign it and take the heat for both Republicans and Democrats." This was the first indication of bi-partisanship agreement.

Senators Graham and Durbin took the President's charge, found compromise and returned to the President's office only to have their joint bi-partisan proposal blind-sided by conservative hard-liners and supported by alleged vulgar comments by the United States President.

Not to be disheartened, Senators Graham and Durbin continue to 'find' bi-partisan agreement. They have adamantly agreed that Homeland Security Chief Kirstjen Nielsen and Republican U. S. Senators Tom Cotton (AR) and David Perdue (GA) are BOLD-Faced liars along with President Trump.

I anticipate a call for an investigation of Lindsey Graham into the possibility that he is a Democrat plant disguised as Republican or a distant relative of Hillary Clinton. Sean Hannity or Rush will certainly get to the bottom of this conspiracy against our military, the American flag and unborn children. Meanwhile, are we not delighted about just 'How Great America' is becoming?

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