A couple of days ago, I posted on my Facebook page on the heels of the recent Kentucky Marshall County high school fatal shootings that we must examine our gun laws. Immediately, I was chastised with that empty (decorum) line, "this is NOT the moment to bring up the gun control issue." The inference therefore is one who mentions gun control at the time of gun violence is somehow 'out-of-bounds.' Really? My response...If not at that time then what time? I get a flu shot at the time of the flu season not in June. I call the firemen during a fire.
I've noticed many counter arguments against the gun control issue becomes a less than funny and very transparent, 'Who's On First' routine. Examining where we are with gun laws and enforcement does not automatically take away anybody's second amendment rights...at ease, folks, at ease. Like it or not, we are all living together in these violent times.
Actually, when I step back and attempt to absorb the larger picture, I note an escalation in bad driving manners, which often becomes road rage. I hear vulgar words describing women. I read vicious comments towards people on Facebook. The public discourse by any measurement has dipped to new lows as common courtesy takes flight in a society that has lost all innocence. It appears that if we disagree on issues, we quickly go into an attack mode. Given these tendencies, I am inclined to believe things get worse as a nation of people become more angry over views and subsequently engage in more physical confrontations. It is clear to me that Americans are generally more angry, more intolerant and owning more guns than ever before, well, you can hide your head in the sand but I find this to be a frightening recipe for violence. Perhaps we all need to be 'put in time out.'
We Can Just Disagree.
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