Thursday, January 11, 2018

Everybody's Got their own Opinion

In Medieval times the word 'piss' was not considered a vulgar word. In fact, the word 'piss' appears in the Bible.  The phrase, 'A pot to piss in and a widow to throw it out,' was an acceptable expression depicting the poor economic circumstance of the day. Before indoor plumbing, folks used a chamber pot in which, to urinate and then open a window to toss the waste into street gutters. Of course, some folks owned neither a pot nor had a window...therefore the origin of the saying.

Down through the centuries, people have used expressions and sayings to define situations. Many of those sayings find memorable slogans and politicians have forever advanced slogans, which are identifiable to their campaign promises. In the 1928 United States Presidential campaign, Republican candidate, Herbert Hoover's campaign slogan was "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." His Democrat opponent, Al Smith offered a rather questionable and perhaps an ill-advised nebulous slogan: "Make your 'wet' dreams come true." (Smith's slogan referenced the repeal of the 18th amendment, which prohibited alcohol sales, thus going from a 'dry' America to a 'wet' America).

In our most recent Presidential campaign the winning candidate's slogan was "Make America Great Again." Comparing this slogan to the 1928, "A chicken in Every Pot and a Car in every Garage," offers a glowing difference to "Make America Great Again." Everyone can conjure up a vision and taste of that chicken in the pot and imagine a auto in their garage, however on the other side just what the hell does a Great America look like if, indeed it looks differently than right NOW? With such an unclear non-descriptive picture of a Great America, we are each left to our own imagination. Personally, I think America would be great again if the following were part of the current landscape: (1) somebody pumping my gasoline (2) push-cart food vendors meandering through my neighborhood (3) newspaper boys hawking papers on street corners (4) male singers with a voice who held your attention instead of their penis (5) ass whoppings in the homes and expulsions in the schools (6) a movie date at the Fabulous Fox Theater (St. Louis) and a hamburger & Coke afterward for a total night's cost of five we're talkin' when America was GREAT!

Understand..."Every body's got their own opinion and you know, I SURE got mine..."  Ray Charles
My America

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