Monday, June 11, 2018

Fifty-Eight-plus seven

 I've always maintained that man's greatest gift is his mother. I've stated it and I've preached it to anybody who'd listen. That said, I believe man's great good fortune (luck or blessing: you decide) is to find a woman who will understand him, love him, support him, forgive him, encourage him, criticize him, praise him and challenge him in all circumstances every day. That said, (today) Monday, June 11, 2018, I've been both lucky and blessed for fifty-eight years.

On this day in 1960, after a seven year courtship, Gerry Bischof and I exchanged wedding vows at Grand Marais State Park, East St. Louis, Illinois. A young couple from differing religious backgrounds needed a 'neural site' for a marriage ceremony, which would help avoid any family member from turning into a pillar of salt in a house of worship other than THEIR house of worship.

I am grateful that Gerry was a perfect coach's wife. She willingly packed our bags and moved to six different communities as I sought new challenges and opportunities. She opened our home to our basketball family. Every season she fixed travel-game day meals and took her seat in hundreds of basketball venues often times to hear the verbal criticisms of her husband, which she fought to ignore but tangled with any fan who would dare criticize one of our players...she was focused and tough!

She willingly gave up her personal career aspirations to embrace our parenting philosophy that called for her to be a stay at home mom while our kids were in elementary and junior high schools. Indeed this was a financial challenge for a young couple but a life-style commitment we would make over  and over again.

Gerry was the second youngest of six children in her family. When we were dating during our teen years, her older brothers and sisters called upon her to babysit frequently. I often accompanied her on those assignments and recall marveling at a sixteen year old girl's incredible skills and know-how caring for infants and toddlers. Why would I be surprised how she mothered our own and embraced the grand-parenting role?

My dear Geraldine Viola Bischof-Roustio, I don't know how much longer we'll share this train-ride but it has been unbelievably wonderful and I thank you for every joy. Today, we celebrate our fifty-eighth wedding anniversary but I remember vividly a thirteen year old girl walking home from a Little League baseball game with a dirty-sweaty fourteen year old boy.

Note: More about 'faith' and 'religious' doctrines in the soon to be released book,
 "Angels On My Journey."

Happy Anniversary?

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