Friday, June 8, 2018

Really Gentlemen?

A definition of 'pornography:'.
Pornography is printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic feelings.

I suppose there are many 'grey areas" regarding pornography but certainly we should agree that nude photos and sexual activities captured in books, magazines and films is pornography.

I offer today's blog on the heels of President Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Guiliani's demeaning remarks about porn actress, Stormy Daniels. Daniels, you recall was paid $130,000.00 hush money after a sexual encounter with Trump around the time his wife, Melania was giving birth to their son.
Giuliani claims Trump did not have this sexual encounter with Daniels and props up his case predicated on his view that Trump's interest in women is only those women of beauty, class and substance. Giuliani then asks, "Stormy Daniels?" Giuliani continued  by suggesting that Daniels was an unattractive  person of poor character and reputation. Let me see if I have this right, Rudy. Stormy is lacking character and has a low life reputation for taking money for sexual favors but Trump is untarnished paying money for sexual favors. Rudy's logic is bizarre. Obviously this man has sold his soul out for limelight recognition and money.

Now, today's blog--

Note: The theory I am advancing this morning targets American males and I put myself in this group. Therefore, I have shared the same weakness of the flesh as most males but I'll be damn if I will claim some condescending moral authority. Certainly, I will not condemn women. A woman who poses  nude in magazines is no lesser character than the man who buys the magazine to view the photos. The female porn actress or strip tease performer is no more lacking in reputation than the man who goes to the theater or club to view the performance.

I was born at night in East St. Louis, Illinois but it wasn't last night. There is little doubt in my mind that 90%  of American males over the age of eighteen have at some time embraced some form of pornography during their life. Those men are absolute fools to point a condescending finger at any woman in the pornography business.

Guiliani is a fool. While he made the his demeaning remarks about Stormy Daniel suggesting she was this low life; Guiliani lifted Trump's three wives as "women of class and substance," he obviously forgot about the 1995 magazine fellas bought to lust over 'classy Melania' who posed nude in photos.
(American History trivia: 'Who is the ONLY First Lady to pose nude for public consumption?')

Former President Jimmy Carter in 1976, stated in a Playboy Magazine interview that he has "Felt lust in his heart looking at many women." Carter caught a lot of crap over that statement from the Evangelicals. Oh, those wonderful 'judging' Evangelicals. Well, Rudy would fit right in with the 'new' Evangelicals. Go ahead and point your finger are a bunch of disengenuous phonies!
Dirty Old Man

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