A few days ago, I read a response from a gentleman who often reads my daily blogs. The fella stated succinctly that "Mel is old and out-of-touch." I thought about his comment for a bit and came to the conclusion that I'm in agreement. I am old (79) and I am out-of-touch on many fronts.
Now I have known elderly people who are sharp as a tack while noting some younger folks mentally dull and boring. However, that is not the case with me; I am 'old' as pointed out and I truly believe that I am out-of-touch. To support my belief and the blog-reader's comment regarding my 'la la land' existence, let offer the following:
If out of touch means that I am not savvy about modern technology, count me in that group. If out of touch means that I don't understand current parent-child relationships and it's lacking discipline, you can pencil me in. If out of touch means that democracy's 'freedoms' do not pivot on the necessity of laws enacted for a secular-society, place me on-board. If out of touch means that I prefer songs sung by well dressed performers enunciating clearly without grabbing their body parts then find me guilty. If out of touch means that people turn their backs accepting vulgarity from its leaders then point your accusing finger at "Out-of-Touch Old Mel."
You can also 'punch my out-of-touch ticket' on more:
* I don't understand people who fear failure.
* I can't comprehend why my social security monthly check was reduced drastically because I have a teachers' retirement pension...after all I paid into the social security club.
* I don't appreciate the high salaries paid to baseball teams whose 27-outs in a nine inning game includes eleven strike outs.
* I scratch my head wondering how a nation of people can claim to be a Christian nation when only 14% of purported believers attend a weekly service.
* I can't figure out how a nation of people have come to pay more for less. You pay more for gasoline and pump it yourself and if your tires need air you pay $1.50 to meet the need. You're willing to check yourself out at the grocery store seemingly pleased to work for there nothing while taking employment away from somebody. I refuse to do that but then I'm out-of-touch.
* I was out of touch years ago when I would not let my college age kids go on spring break instead of 'working.'
* I hear racial slurs and prejudicial expressions stated by the same folks who cheer a black man on their favorite sports team...That angers me but then, you got it, I'm out of touch with the smarter set.
* Oh Buddy, I'm really out of touch when I hear people suggest that public school teachers should excel teaching subject matter, insure morality development in their students, be concerned for the students feelings and also carry a loaded weapon into their classrooms to protect their students.
I believe those who advance this notion have crap for brains but then they know that I'm out of touch.
* Finally, I've always thought that horses should come first in parades for greater entertainment possibilities. Wish parade organizers were as out of touch as I.
Well, that's just a few of Mel's 'out of touch' examples. As I reflect on my life's journey, I realize that I've never been intellectually sharp, socially cool or certainly 'in touch' with the masses. I suppose that's why I enjoy sitting on the back yard swing with Toy Poodle, Yodie. Why that little fella thinks I know everything. I prefer his company and opinion. But I do appreciate folks reading my blogs and taking time to point out my short-comings. And if you're 'in touch' you now know why.
Out Of Touch
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